Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Emerging Future

This is a hot new idea, that a lot of people believe in. And I can summarize it easily "The future can be discovered, right now - in the present!"

This is the gift of prophecy - that has been with us for a very long time, perhaps forever.

It has been given a new lease on life with the latest developments in Software - collectively referred to as Artificial Intelligence. This can discover new relationships in the Data fed to it, that were not known before. And make money for the companies who discover these new relationships.

This has been facilitated by digging a shorter cable between Wall Street, in New York - and the Chicago Board of Trade - giving the financial companies who own this cable, and the computers they own also - a few milliseconds to anticipate the future of these markets.

They are on the leading edge of the Emerging Future. But a better way of anticipating the future - is to participate in the making of it.

Such as that done by Wikipedia - or the Open Source movement in Software. Here the smart people are helping each other make the future - and, as a side effect, make money (and a lot of money) off of this.

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