Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Good Things and Bad People

This problem has been stated in many ways, by better people than me. In the book The Mind and the Market: Capitalism in Western Thought for example.

I started thinking about this when I was making my morning coffee, in my espresso machine - a marvelous machine that cost me little, as did the coffee I put in it. Two hundred years ago, all this would have been impossible.

We have come a long way - but this has not made us better, as people. In fact, it has made us worse.

And the reason for this are not hard to see - we have made our things, more important than we are. We have made a world that is good for them - but bad for us. And, as a result, we have decided to destroy this world that is bad for us!

This decision was made early in our childhood - perhaps before we were born. And was entirely unconscious - which makes easy for us to deny it.

We can say, with perfect honesty "I am not that way!" We can see plenty of bad things going on - and be certain they are not caused by us.

This is frustrating for those who want to make a better world - because most of the people in the present world, do not want to do this! And resist, vigorously, any attempts to make them see this.

They have a soul, that is incorruptible - that they can always rely on.

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