Friday, December 1, 2017

Sweet Revenge

This is what most Americans are up to. Getting even for all the bad things that have been done to them.

What bad things? You may ask "They are the richest people in history!"

True, but they had to pay a high price for those riches - they had to lose themselves. And that is the ultimate loss. They had to make other values more important than their human values.

Right here is where I lose everyone. No one wants to think about values. They stopped thinking about them long ago, and they don't want to go back that time - it's too painful. They say "No, No, No!" - as loudly as they can.

What happened to them? This question has to be answered at a personal level, and a collective level.

On the personal level, this conflict is buried so deep in their personalities, accessing it is nearly impossible. Getting close to it, triggers off a personal crisis of massive proportions - and may result in a suicide.

I saw this happen to my wife, of five years, in the Sixties. She got her problems from her mother - as many of us have. But they were magnified internally, until they were much worse. This is a crucial process - we make our problems worse, ourselves - much worse.

I repeat - we make our problems worse, when we ignore them. And we are ignoring them on a massive scale. In the last half of the last century, America ignored its problems - and they blew up, and became completely unmanageable.

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