Wednesday, December 27, 2017

In Insane Situations, Special Rules Apply

This hardly needs to be said, and everyone will agree with it. Because nearly everyone believes it does not apply to them.

I might as well say, right out - that it is does apply to me. Sometimes I am as crazy as the March Hare. But sometimes I am not - and I can usually tell the difference.

And I have learned, from bitter experience - to judge, as best I can, the sanity of situations I encounter - and to react according.

Note the keyword react here. This not what most people do - they do not notice what is going on, and, as a result - they cannot react to it.

What can I say about this? I can say, this is a good example of insane behavior in action - and has to be evaluated accordingly. We have to look behind their behavior, to see what motivates it.

This not easy, because some dark forces are often behind our behavior. We were rejected by those who should have loved us.

And, if that were not enough - the way our societies are built, can also be destructive. The perfect example was Nazi Germany. This was not because of a few people at the top - but because of the German people themselves - who went crazy.

I will now bring this up to date - to Silicon Valley in the Nineties. It didn't take a genius to see a lot of craziness was going on there - and is still going on. The New York Times has a weekly analysis of this - from a humorous perspective. The latest, for example, is the Bitcoin Craziness.

What is going on there? No one knows - and no one will ever know. In fact, you can try your hand at out-guessing it - by investing in BitCoin Cash.

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