Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Blessing and the Curse of the Human Mind

We are unusual creatures, because we have a mind - something that no other species has. We should be impressed by this, and try to understand it better - but for some strange reason, most of us are not.

An important part of our mind is our language - that is also unique. And allowed us to spread from the Savannas of Eastern Africa, to everywhere in the world, quite rapidly. We made ourselves at home everywhere. We were not the most numerous species, but we were certainly the most adaptable.

Other predators learned to avoid us, because we could run better than they could (we had no body hair, and we had sweat glands in our skin to cool us off) - and because we had weapons, and could gang together, and go after them.

We could cooperate in many ways, and invent more all the time. Other animals could only cooperate in a few ways, and these never changed.

All of these were products of our minds.

I have summarized the positive aspects of having minds - but there were negative aspects as well. Our minds sometimes work well - but sometimes they work poorly.

And we are quite capable of (and seem to relish) killing each other. In other words - invented War.

And we can be insane - in many, many ways, and to many degrees. Our brains are extremely complex, and diseases of the brain are limitless, with more showing up all the time. Our minds are related to our brains - how, we do not know - but a malfunctioning brain, or a any malfunctioning body part - affects our minds powerfully. The body and the mind are the same thing - and not the same thing.

In its mildest forms - are fashions, of all kinds. Where for no reason at all, groups of people, decide some things are fashionable, and some are not. And people can be cruel in enforcing these fashions.

It is not hard to summarize the human situation now - it's simply not working! Our computers are working, and talking to each other, but we are not.

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