Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Mass Society

Ortega y Gasset got the credit for discovering this, back in the Twenties. But he did not understand the technologies that caused it - Electricity and Photography. These merged to create the Movies, that everyone became addicted to.

I am of the opinion, that people and their technologies have always been united - and in the 19th Century, technology got the upper hand - and people went crazy. And started killing each other in huge numbers. And, at the same time, created a population boom.

But something else was also happening - the Industrial Revolution, that invented the Machines that powered its Factories and Railroads.

And, if that wasn't enough - the automobile appeared, with its internal combustion engine and pneumatic tires.

Too much was going on! And, taken all together, for most people, it was impossible to understand. So they decided to not even try.

They were in the grips of something huge - the Mass Society was running everything!

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