Friday, February 23, 2018

They Do Not Want to be Part of This World

Because this world is such a terrible place. They will take what they can (why not?) but not contribute to it.

The little church I grew up in, made this explicit "Be in the world, but not of it!" And they were serious about this.

As a result, the world of the Fifties is no more - and the church itself is no more. And these people were (and are) satisfied with the results of their endeavors. They have destroyed everything in their world - no small achievement!

This was not the result of carefully thought-through process - no thinking was involved at all. They just knew they had been treated badly (which they certainly had been) - and they were going to get even.

Any attempts to create a better world (and there are still plenty of them) have to recognize this past injustice, as the source of their problems. There are some strong feelings here, and they have to be recognized.

"Fine," you may say, "I can recognize the feelings that are driving their destructive behavior, but this will not change them, one bit!" True, but it will change you, and keep you from wasting your precious time.

I have decided to spend my precious time learning Software - because it is fun. I have no idea what I am doing there - but there are plenty of persons willing to help me along (and a few who are doing me no good at all).

An advertisement for a new course appeared in my inbox this morning GraphQL with Angular & Apollo - for $10. I bought it, and am watching it as I sip my espresso.

Will this change the world? Of course not, nothing on earth will change those people. But I am moving into another world - the Software World, that is making their world obsolete.

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