Sunday, April 28, 2019

What is There about People that Really Bothers Me?

So much so, I want to kill them?

I am being honest here. There is something about people that really bothers me and quite a few other people also. To the extent that they will kill considerable numbers of them.

What is it that really bothers them?

The usual answer is "That depends on the situation, and every situation is different," Which is saying "There is no fundamental reason why people hate each other."

This doesn't feel right to me. I am certain there is a fundamental reason, and it is fairly obvious. People find it easy to hate people (or like people) and we are built that way.

Young children do not have this ability (they like everyone) but it develops fairly quickly. And whole societies develop characteristic attitudes toward other people that are really striking, and often violent. But seem perfectly normal to them.

One thing is often seen: people want to be like other people and discriminate against people who are not like them. This is not one of our better qualities, but it is very common.

And we should be on our guard against it.

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