Sunday, January 27, 2019

Being Bad same as Being Good

Yes, you read that right, and it's not just my badly warped mind that is saying it.

Almost everyone is saying it, in one form or another. And not only saying it, but acting on it.

Once you understand that basic (but simple) fact, you will understand a lot about what is going on around you.

You will realize that most people want to be deceived, and to deceive others. Because it feels so much better.

And people go with their feeling, not their thinking.

Grasping this fundamental fact, liberates the mind to consider other options. If it's so easy to hate people, why not like them instead?

But these realizations have to occur in the proper order. First, you have to realize how bad things are. Then you can realize how good things can be.

Saying "You must be good!" without realizing how bad you already are, is a waste of time.

That is why the present situation, is not likely to change. People do not want to see how they really are. They will insist, with all their strength - that they are something else.

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