Sunday, January 13, 2019

He Married a Constructive Woman, I Married a Destructive One

It may sound strange to you, to hear me talk of romantic relationships in ethical terms. But I am not going to back down, and settle for less.

I am reading Principles: Life and Work, and I can recommend it - knowing you will probably not bother to read it.

He made his fortune, treating the markets like a machine - writing algorithms that described how they worked, and then betting on them. Sometimes disastrously.

But more than that, he became personally involved with the people in these markets - the farmers who grew the corn and soybeans to feed the livestock, the slaughter houses that processed these animals, and the supermarkets who sold the meat to the consumer. Each step in the chain had its own internal logic. And putting them all together, was an art as much as a science.

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