Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Technical People do not Like People

I cannot explain this - I can only assert that it has happened, and is still happening.

And that is was one of the effects of the Industrial Revolution, that I was born into. And which I did not care for.

My solution was a radical one - I left the US and moved to Costa Rica. And I am not going back.

The Big Thing, back in the States, is Artificial Intelligence (AI) that I have been watching closely.

I am sitting here, in my pajamas, in from of my Laptop, that has two WiFi Internet connections. Learning how Google does this.
AI is amazing, no question about that. But it is not making people any better. And this point is a tricky one, that is hard to explain.

It helps people solve their problems better. But their most important problems can never be solved. Such as how to get along with other people.

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