Thursday, January 10, 2019

Problem Solving

I am biased in favor of this human activity. It seems to me, if a person solves a problem, no matter what it is - he is a good person. Clearly a value judgement.

I have to struggle, to find an example where solving a problem is harmful. Although it is not hard to find examples were some people benefit from the solving of a problem, and other people are harmed.

But the usual response to thinking about this problem - is to refuse to think about it at all. And this, I have to say, strikes me as dead wrong. But very common.

Software Development gives us plenty of examples, where our thinking can be tested. It provides plenty of examples of solutions to problems, that benefit some people, but not others.

Software companies are obsessed with Data. Because it can be used to make money. If you know how people behave, you can tailor your products to make them more profitable. This may, or may not benefit the user of these products.

This is a subtle shift in the move  from Hardware to  Software. Few thought to question whether the users of the Railroads benefited from them. They had to use them, and adapted themselves as best they could. Often, quite well.
With Software, they can see more clearly who benefits from it, and how it effects them, Or at least some people can - and software companies know this and are nervous about it.

There is a huge disagreement in the Computer Industry over ethics. They all want to proclaim how ethical they are - but say little about what they mean by that, or how they go about this.

I am taking an online course now, that explains how Google uses Machine Learning. It is interesting, and shows how Google uses it to its advantage - and to the advantage of its customers, such as the Blogger app I am using to write with right now.

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