Saturday, January 5, 2019

In Times of Great Change, People go Crazy

And the time of great change in our time, was the 19th and 20th Centuries. Although in the beginning of the 21st, things seem to be speeding up again.

Things have gotten worse, while people's awareness of these changes has reached an all-time low.

I keep up with the latest changes in Software, with what what we call Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is making our Software more aware - even as the people using it are becoming less aware.

Something is not right here - and that something is a big something.

Consider our attitude toward Global Warming. We know it is happening, and we know what its results will be - a rise in the level of the oceans. But we are not interested in this, because it will not happen for a hundred years, long after we are dead! We say "Let the people alive then deal with it. It's none of our business!"

Does this sound strange to you?

One of our attributes as thinking beings - was our recognition of causation. Once we abandon that, what do we have left?

Not much.

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