Thursday, January 17, 2019

What my new Echo Dot can Do

I bought this (my second one) because of its fantastic specs. It would do everything, Amazon claimed.

 It can do this:

  1.  It would decode a spoken command to a digit command (every voice-activated device can do this). 
  2.  Sends this command to a place on the Internet, and gets a reply from the same place. This only takes microseconds, that for the human mind seems instantaneous.
  3.  Here is the amazing part. Stored in the Echo are recordings of all the responses it can make. If I say "Sing to me!" It will respond with a recording of a woman singing (with a full orchestral accompaniment).
This relies on Artificial Intelligence, that you have probably heard about. It collects all the questions (a huge number of questions) that people are likely to ask a device like this. And stores them in a database, along with the correct response another digit (or number). 

When it gets a request from an Echo device, it sends an answer back over the Internet (another number).

The new Echo contains a large memory, with all these responses recorded in it, Recent advances in solid state fabrication, have brought these prices down, to where the whole thing can be sold for $30!

But I still prefer to ask my Laptop the same questions, using my Keyboard. A underrated, but fantastic device in itself. 

There are plenty of places (such as YouTube) where I can get Videos (not just Audios) of musical performances (or any other performance) over my WiFi connection. 

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