Friday, January 18, 2019

History Repeats Itself

The history I have in mind here, was the Thirties in Europe - that ushered in WWII.

When the Germans, the most advanced culture in the world - succumbed to Hitler!

No one has been able to understand this, although many have tried.

To me, this effort is futile because, in any time of great stress - people turn to authoritarian leaders, to show them the way out of their problems.

The problem is not people's defective reasoning (which is often defective) - but the stress that causes this highly defective  reasoning.

The stress then was great, and the stress now is great.

The stress now, it is caused by the disparity between those who understand computers (who can program them,  and are rich) and those who do not (who are poor. at least relatively). The rich are making $100.000 (or more) contrasted with $20,000 (or less) for the poor.

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