Friday, June 14, 2019

Making the World Better

This can be done in two ways: making our technology better, or making ourselves better.

The last option is not likely, so we are left with first. Unfortunately, improving Industrial technologies (Capitalism) did not do much to improve us. It probably made us worse - as has been often noted.

But we are going through a massive shift to new technology: the Computer, which can be made more humane.

This shift, however, was a mixed blessing. Ir began with Television, that did not make us any better.

The move to the Computer, an entirely different technology, was hardly noticed but had a huge effect on us.

One problem people have always had is a lack of awareness of the effect their technologies have had on them. And the Computer is no exception.

The Computer (or more accurately its Software) has been getting better, but also harder to understand.

I am learning Angular, fantastic new software from Google, that has a steep learning curve. It does a lot, but to use it properly the software developer has to learn a lot.

The world is being divided into those that can learn (and teach others) and those that cannot.

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