Saturday, June 22, 2019

Software is Interesting

For me, at least. But not for most people, who are allergic to the stuff.


The answer to this question goes into the dark recesses of our contemporary psyche, where few want to venture.

Companies who want to hire Software Developers do not ask this question, they want to know whether you can do the job, or not. If you can. you got a job, even if they have to bring you in from a foreign country.

This results in a divided population, between those who are software savvy, and those who are not.

Those who are software knowledgeable often concentrate on manipulating those who are not. They assume the users are stupid, and often they are.

This situation has gotten worse as Software has gotten better. And has made some people wonder if computers are going to take over the world.

And in a way, they already have. They can do some things much better than humans. I am writing this blog, and you are reading it, perhaps from across the world. A few years ago, this was impossible!

We are not well-adapted to rapid change - but our present world is full of it. And this has driven us crazy.

This, to me, is the worst problem we have. A world that is full of maladapted people.

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