Sunday, June 2, 2019

Massive Incompetence in the Computer Industry

I was employed in the Computer industry from 1980 to 2000, where I observed organizational incompetence on a massive scale. I could write a book about this period in my life, but I might end up in jail if I did.

The Internet and Cellular networks were invented in the Nineties and created a high tech boom, but this was followed by a bust before practical uses for them were found.

In the next 10 years, hundreds of Computer companies would be reduced to just four: Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

And the Personal Computer measuring two feet high, two feet deep. and a foot across would be replaced by the Laptop and the Smartphone.

Software would include the Windows operating system and the Cloud.

And the people who used all this marvelous stuff would become socially incompetent, and elect Trump as President.

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