Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Converting Legal Code into Software Code

This should be done, because the hundreds of pages now needed. to express a law in legal text - that ordinary people can barely understand - can be turned into software code that can be understood by a computer - who can then tell ordinary people, if it makes sense. 

Every word, or phrase, of the legal code would be translated into software code - a variable, a constant, an entity, a comparator, a directive. My list here is not adequate, I am sure - I would have to look at actual code, and figure out what the translations would be. 

For new legal code, an editor would be provided. that would prompt the writer what to write next - or translate it after it has been written, phrase by phrase. This is what an IDE does in software - it makes writing code much easier.

If it refers to The President, or Congress. for example - the translator would note the existence of these entities - and expect them elsewhere in the code. In a separate window, it would list all these entities, and the writer could then drag and drop them into place. 

At a higher level, different sections of a law being written, could be written by different people - debated, and then the results merged into the final law. Everyone would know where every part of a law came from. 

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