Friday, November 24, 2017

Putting Software in Its Social Context

The social context, in the late 20th Century, and early 21st Century, can be described simply as a complete mess. But a mess few want to recognize. Instead of recognizing this amazing situation - people do their best to ignore it.

Some special types, however, have turned their attention to the small world of Software Development - and have concentrated on improving it. And have succeeded dramatically.

We now live in two worlds - the Industrial world, and the Computer world. And they are as different as they can be.

I have on my desk four computers - a Windows 7 laptop, a Windows 10 laptop, a Fire tablet, and an Android phone. They all coexist comfortably, and can talk to each other.

In the middle of these, is yours truly, dressed in his pajamas - and sorting through the spam in his inbox. As usual, there is plenty of it.

If a visitor from outer space were watching us - he would no doubt see us as different robots, well integrated, except for me. And would ask himself "What is the future of this strange assemblage?"

To answer this question, we have to widen our focus, and consider the effects of technology on us, throughout the history of the last 10,000 years, or so. Since we became civilized.

We would notice the dramatic speedup (and increasing insanity) of the 19th and 20th Centuries. And could say, accurately "We have gone crazy,"and "We have been extended by Television and the Computer, to form a global culture." Both are accurate (and interacting) descriptions.

Right in the middle of all this, is what I started to write about - Software. Whose practitioners, are getting rich from all this mess - that they helped create.

Some of them, are trying to become more ethical. but, being technicians - are not doing very well at this.

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