Saturday, November 18, 2017

Objective Reality

The discovery of Objective Reality was the breakthrough that made the huge advances possible that characterized the Industrial World.

Let me explain. During the Middle Ages, the Western Man was deeply religious, and saw everything as Subjective. God made the world, placed Man in it - and everything was related to everything else, in a huge harmony, referred to as The Great Chain of Being. And central to this, was The Church, that God had established to rule for Him.

But the Reformation changed this, and challenged the ultimate authority of the Church. This produced the worst Religious wars (and Civil wars) the world has ever seen.

And also the Scientific Revolution, that could see there was an Objective (or Scientific) Reality, that could be used the settle these religious conflicts. And be used to make people rich, instead.

The world became divided into the Protestant (and affluent) North - and the Catholic South.  In the Western Hemisphere, this became North America, and Latin America.

But then, something very strange happened - in the middle of the 20th Century, this Advanced world turned against itself - without realizing this had happened!

These people could see something had happened, and whatever it was, it was not good. And they came up with many solutions to this problem, all of which overlooked the basic one - that they were the cause of them!

I keep coming back to this basic point - and I am always ignored. We have become technically aware - but socially unaware. And not able to tell the difference.

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