Sunday, November 12, 2017

It's Not Working for Most

At one time, this would not have mattered - but in today's world it does. Every country in the world has become a democracy, or at least claims to be one. And it has to give some recognition (if only a little) to its people.

You may reply that this hardly matters - these people are just barely functioning as people, and are more like pieces of machinery - controlled but not doing any controlling. But they also watch Television and their Phones, and they know that they exist, as a mass audience - and not only that, they often know they are not satisfied with their existence.

I can put this another way - the World was an Industrial World, but is becoming a Computer World - with its Internet and Wireless networks, that have become global. These networks are everywhere - unseen, but irresistible.

Once again, people have created technologies they cannot resist - but cannot control either. It would be accurate to say their technologies are controlling them. But they are not aware of this. They think they have a perfect soul, that does not change, that they can always rely on.

People do not understand their world - and don't want to understand it. I can sympathize with them, this new world is baffling, and is hard to understand - but this is no reason for not trying.

I will be explicit. I am learning GitHub - marvelous software that lets groups of people manage their text files. Different versions of a file can exist simultaneously, as different people work on it - and then be merged back together, as one greatly improved file. The legal implications are obvious.

The implications for Software Development (which it was built for) are obvious also. But I have observed (to my surprise!) that most people do not want to improve the way they work - whatever the field they are working in. They do not want to be improved, and resist this strenuously!

This is a new development in our present world - people feel they have been changed too much - and they do not want any more changes. Their fundamental identity (who they are) is being destroyed - they think!

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