Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Business that is Good for People

As I begin to scribble another diatribe against Big Business, I realize I am on shaky ground. What people am I talking about here?

I can remember all too clearly, the companies I worked for in Silicon Valley, in the Nineties. Not a good company in the bunch - and I have to say, the people in them were not much better. What was going on?

They were ethically compromised - that was obvious, but that was not saying very much. Why were they ethically compromised? And here I get into a bag of worms, describing a very complex situation - were everything affects everything else. Like everyone else, I want simple answers, but there are none.

But we can start from there. We are in a hell of a mess, that we can barely understand.

I took a look at Who can we trust? this morning. It states the problem clearly - and contains links to many similar organizations. There are plenty of good guys out there, but no one is paying much attention to them!

Ordinary people look at this situation, and come to the obvious conclusion - taking care of other people will not be good for them. They decide to concentrate on themselves instead.

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