Tuesday, August 14, 2018

When no one helped anyone else

When I look back on my early childhood, I can hardly believe it. Where things really that bad?

And I have to tell myself "Yes, they were really that bad, hard as that is to accept!"Everyone was lying to us, telling us how good they were being to us. And this was the part that was hard to take - all those lies!

Small children want to trust their elders - but our trust was cruelly betrayed.

Now I am studying history - and it is a fascinating study - I am noticing how few good times there were! And how no one wanted to notice this - which made the situation, even worse.

In my case, I worked in the Computer industry in Southern California, in the Eighties - from Ventura County, south to Los Angeles County. Orange County. and San Diego.

And then in Silicon Valley in the Nineties. I never worked in a successful project, and most of the companies I worked for, went out business.

The Human Race - which is what we call ourselves, as if we were in a race of some kind. Has fallen on hard times, for the simplest of reasons.

We do not want to know how bad things are - and are not responsible for anything.

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