Saturday, November 17, 2018

A National American Digital ID

Everyone should have an ID, that can be easily used for one person only, and cannot be faked.

A system like this, has already been used by the American forces in the Iraq War. It involved Retinal Scans to identify persons leaving from and returning to controlled areas.

If this had been used in Afghanistan, killings by persons, who appeared to be friendly, but were not - could have been avoided.

Inside the US, this could be used to sort individuals into special interest groups, for voting purposes. Individuals could declare which special interests they are interested in, and could vote for candidates who support, or disagree with, that interest. These preferences could be stored in a National database.

This would be more efficient, than lumping everyone together, that live in the same voting area.

I am listening to WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH FLORIDA? that goes into this problem. Florida contains many different kinds of people (I know a few myself) with very different interests.

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