Monday, November 12, 2018

Using the Computer to determine Congressional Districts

Here is how to do this.

Every state has many voting districts, where people go to vote. How each district voted in the past is well known. And these could lumped together with adjacent districts, that voted the same in the past, to make a larger one. This step could be repeated, to join more adjacent districts, that have voted the same in the past - until no more similar districts could be found. Every district in the State, would be labeled, as assigned to a larger district, or not.

This part would be easy, and you would end up with a number of voting districts, formed from smaller districts. What comes next, would be more difficult. This patchwork of voting districts, made by a Computer, would be presented to a government body, assembled for this purpose. They would have to decide what to do next. The large number of districts made by the Computer, would have to be reduced to the number available. The advantage here, is that all this would be done in the open, not in secret.

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