Sunday, November 18, 2018

Women are Destroying Men

This is now so common, most people do not notice it. And to make it even worse, they deny it is happening. It is happening alright, and it should not be ignored.

If someone asks women why they are this way - they are surprised by the question, and simply say "Everyone else is doing it, why should I be any different?"

I think they are reacting to the suffering men have imposed on women for thousands of years. But they are overdoing it - and are treating men, the same way men had treated women. Never stopping to think how unnecessary all this is.

This is part of a package, where everyone treats everyone else badly. And considers this perfectly normal. Somewhere along the line, their values have flipped - and become the reverse of what they were before.

This change has extracted enormous costs - both mental and medical, on the persons it effects. They may have to use two canes to walk around. Or undergo painful, radical surgeries.

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