Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Lottery That’s Revolutionizing D.C. Schools

Washington Post

This article illustrates a common problem in computerized programs of all kinds - people don't understand them!

Educating them is now part of the overall process. And this is not easy.

Being Superior

This gets people into lots of trouble.

This was rampant with Industrialization and Capitalism. That created a series of wars - The American Civil War, WWI, the Depression, WWII. and the Cold War, which is still going on.

The Depression is not usually considered a war, but its effects were the same - tremendous destruction.

In all of these, people were fighting for a righteous cause, that now seems ridiculous.

Examples of foolish wars are numerous, but I want to concentrate on one that involved my family's history - the Mormon Wars.

These occurred mainly in the 19th Century, but Mormons of various kinds are still around and seem determined to ignore their history.

They should be coming to grips with their past, which is necessary before they can move forward.

They have not, and the result is a total mess, that no one can understand.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Being Antisocial

This is a huge subject, with many ramifications.

It is a big problem for me, and I am sure for many others. There are times when I wonder if it is not normal behavior in a hostile society. If they hate you, why shouldn't you hate them?

But I realize this solves nothing, and only makes it worse.

In my life, I have had many therapists. None of which have been much help with this. For me or anyone else - including themselves.

At one time, Gestalt Therapy, and then Codependency were popular. I also tried Meditation in the nicest place for that in the world - Spirit Rock in Marin County, just north of San Francisco.

But there is not much that will make people better, in the long run.

Whole Foods Worker: “Mid-level People… Don’t Trust Whole Foods Corporate Anymore.”


I used to go shopping at Whole Foods when I worked in Silicon Valley in the Nineties. They were expensive, but they had lots of good food. And their employees seemed to like their jobs.

I left the Valley (in fact, I left the country) and I started to hear rumors that things were not well. I was not surprised, the Golden State had been going downhill for some time, and this was just more of the same.

This article shows how it went bad, and why it went bad.

Lean In


This article is a fine example of what is right, and what is wrong in today's world. Especially what is wrong.

Plenty of people have been writing about what is right, or how things could easily be made right. And she is one of them.

Her beliefs have made her a Billionaire, a new kind of person, that many others have been eager to emulate.

My priorities have been different. I want to be first and to be rich second.

People and their Tools

People have always been toolmakers. And in the last one hudred years, or so - this toolmaking process has been greatly accelerated. Until it sometimes seems our tools are making us.

I am taking Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.  And the first video is Introduction: A conversation with Andrew Ng.

These guys are extreme examples of this process at work. And frankly, I am worried about them. Will they survive this process? This is dangerous territory, and it has been the end of many people.

In fact, many people have opted out of it, and have ceased to exist, as persons.

I have been carefully trying it. dipping my toes in the water. So far, my toes are still there.

The Phone has Become what We Are

The Computer has become two devices: the Laptop and the Phone, With two different cultures to match.

The Mobile culture (as it is now known) is the one that is evolving fastest because this is where the most money is made. People are demanding the world be adjusted to match the capabilities of their phones. 

And the Phone is being improved. People have discovered a new world, but they want it acceptable to them!

The Phone is evolving, and its people are evolving with it. Without the slightest awareness, that this is happening. 

I refer you to How to Leave the White House with a Million Dollar Parachute.

Note how the two men are dressed in the photo. They are wearing business jackets, and are holding their phones - both part of their costumes!

I recently bought a Phone, but a basic model. And found, if I wanted one that was useful, I had to buy a high-end (and expensive) model.

My Laptop, by contrast, is still useful, years after I bought it.

I am using it to write this posting.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Vivitar Digital Camera


I just started using this and I can recommend it.

It only cost $60, which is cheap!

You have to add 3 AAA batteries power it.

An 8 Gb is SD Card is provided, to store the photos and videos. Unless you plan on making long movies of naked dancing women this should be plenty.

It is easy to use, really! Just point and shoot.

Machine Learning is not Magic

ML is juat Software. And Google (who has tons of the stuff) doesn't mind saying that, over and over.

This will not mean much to those who not understand Software (99 percent of the population). But for the remaining one percent, it should ring a bell.

And it should ring a bell for everyone who has tried to use a defective Web site. Millions, if not Billions of people.

These software Designers (if we can call them that) don't know what they are doing.

And don't care if their Software is good or bad.

To Like

The Computer has redefined this word and made us use it more carefully. It might even make us think about using it.

Programming is careful thinking. When we talk to people, we can talk sloppy because other people are constantly improving on what we are saying to them. But the Computer is stupid. and when we talk to it, we have to be careful to use exactly the right words in the right order.

Otherwise, garbage in yields garbage out.

The Day the Dinosaurs Died

New Yorker

This is a huge article, 44 pages long.

A story with a dozen time zones, interlaced with at least as many flashbacks.

The hero is a starving paleontologist, that few people want to believe.

Temple Prostitutes

The Wild Man Enkidu
I am taking a course about the epic of Gilgamesh And one of these is featured in a subplot at the beginning of the story. 

It made me wonder if there are equivalents today, and of course, there are.

The Business World is full of women who help it along by favoring the successful members of that culture.

There are many paintings and sculptures of bare-breasted women engaged in conflicts with evil men.

The men, if they are smart, are in full retreat.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

One Step Closer to an Elusive Peace in Afghanistan

NY Review

Everyone has been skeptical about this, but the impossible seems to be happening. 

The Story of Martha

The Martha I am referring to here, was first married to Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. He had a way with women and she (and many other women) fell for him and was part of his rising to become an important religious leader.

This part of her story I will not dwell on here but will concentrate on what happened to her after Joseph Smith was killed by a mob in 1844.

She was left in the ruins of Nauvoo, Illinois that he had built, that was now too dangerous for his followers to live in, and had been abandoned by them. She left also, with her three small sons, until it was safe to go back.

When she did go back she was in a difficult position, financially. She had inherited all of Joseph's assets, but also his debts. She remarried, hoping her new husband, who had a military reputation, would help her.

He protected her from mob violence and rebuild the ruins of the Nauvoo House into a fine three-story building that they used as a combination hotel and residence.

At this time in her life, she made some interesting practical changes. Her sons had inherited their father's unstable religious temperament and had married some local women. But had no way of making a living. What to do with them?

She had a lucky break, in the form of the RLDS church, who needed a spiritual leader. And the obvious choice was her oldest son, Joseph Smith III. He was not first, but had no money of his own.

He finally yielded to family pressures and accepted the leadership of their church. Believing he could continue to live in Nauvoo. Which he and his three brothers, and their wives did. Note the presence of the wives, who had no interest in the church, except financially. They will become important, indirectly, in the history of the church.

Eventually, they all had to move to the church headquarter, in Plano, Illinois, near Chicago, This ended Martha's involvement with the RLDS church - although the church felt differently, and insisted she was one of them and buried her next to the first husband. And eventually, removed all traces of her second husband.

When Joseph Smith III died he made an important decision, that the church accepted. All future leaders of the church would have to be direct descendants of the first Joseph. This doomed the church to mediocre leadership - and eventually, to no leadership at all.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The LDS, RLDS, JSIII, David Smith

My Family was RLDS, and I know a few things about their history.

Mormonism was founded by Joseph Smith (usually referred to by his followers as Joseph Smith the Prophet). When he was killed by an angry mob in 1844, he had three young boys ; JSIII, Alexander, and David, who could barely remember their father.

JSIII eventually become the leader of the RLDS church, in 1860, that had been founded by Rich Farmers in Northern Illinios, close to Chicago. Who had been church members under his father. 

The three brothers first tried to convert LDS, thinking they would be easy converts. But these missions were complete failures.

After the last of these, David lost his mind and was incarcerated for the rest of his life in an insane asylum. No one ever visited him there, and he was forgotten about.

JSIII then began an active missionary program in the Midwest, that was successful. The church moved to Lamoni, Iowa, because the farmers bought a lot of land there. Then it moved to Independence, Mo, and began a building program there. This is where JSIII died, as a respectable member of the area. This area also houses the Harry S Truman Library and Museum.

Machine Learning by Google or Microsoft?

Microsoft has just announced its Azure Machine Learning Studio, and I have a free account there. It wants to make ML simple. Just give it your data, from your database, and it will do the right thing with it. In Microsoft's cloud.

Google, on the other hsnd, is explaining how to do ML, in its many varieties. It explains how difficult it is, and how much corporate experience is required. It is talking about how things happen in the real world.

Not just Microsoft's world.

People no longer Like each other

And for the best of reasons - they have degenerated into a worthless culture. And unconsciously they know this.

And there are plenty of other people who know, that they know this. 

I am describing two kinds of people (1) Most people, and (2) those that know what is going on. Who are much smaller in number, but do have a future ahead of them.

Got the picture?

What is going to happen in the future, in the next 50 years or so?

Most people do not care, they are just drifting with the current. But a few people do care, because they are constructing their future.

Or, to take the longer view - our future. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Masterpieces of World Literature

This is an online course I am taking on edX from Harvard University.

I found this course by searching for it - what else? First I had to decide which online organization to use - Cousera or edX.

I was already taking two courses from Cousera (on machine learning) so I decided on edX. It asked me which University I wanted to use, and I selected Harvard. And I selected this course from there.

After discussing clay tablets in Mesopotamia, and writing by the Ancient Greeks. It discusses
Goethe, in the Modern period, of whom I was totally ignorant.

One advantage we have in the Computer Economy, are all the online courses we have, in profusion.

To Lie Compulsively

This is often done, as we all know, and coping with it is one of life's challenges. 

The person doing this is often not aware of it and greatly resents anyone saying so. 

If you believe this is happening, you are put in a difficult position. What to do about it? 

Often the easiest solution is to do nothing and hope nothing serious results from it. 

Or you may discuss this matter privately, and see how other people feel about it. In some situations, this may be dangerous and should be done carefully. 

I grew up in a religious family, for example. and I was often faced with this problem. As many other people are. 

This has resulted in wars that have killed many people. People take their religion seriously. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Transgender-ism in our Straight Family

I found it strange when my brother told the rest of our family that three of his granddaughters had decided they were boys! 

But now I have gotten over my shock, it doesn't seem strange at all, but perfectly normal.

My brother wanted to inform everyone, that our family was not only normal but an advanced kind of normal, that he was eager to describe.

This complicated sense of identity has been part of queer theory for some time, and they are also eager to explain it.

The explanation, if you want to call it that, is that there is no explanation for anything!

This fits in well with my brother's religious beliefs. Where everything has to be taken in faith.


I don't want to write about this because I am pretty stupid myself. So stupid it embarrasses me to think about it.

But human stupidity does exist, and we have to take it into consideration.

We are not only stupid, but we are also willing to take advantage of it in others.

And not only in others but in ourselves. And this is worth thinking of - how we take advantage of our own stupidity,

I can best handle this by telling a story, about the last time I visited the States. I lived with a cousin, who lives in Northern Virginia, in the DC area. This is the area chosen by Amazon for its second headquarters. A smart choice, because it was close to the Pentagon, that is loaded with money.

I have a childhood friend, from Ft. Madison, Iowa, who made his fortune there. And I hoped to meet him again.

My cousin lives in an affluent area, by the intersection of two four-lane roads, and across from a shopping center containing the largest supermarket, I have ever seen. My cousin was mainly interested in its selection of wines, which occupied an entire aisle of the store.

Every day, he looks for bargains there, and always buys a bottle. We got to taste his selection, every evening for dinner. And I was always impressed with his selection.

This shopping center also contained a Starbucks store, that I was interested in. But not my cousin, who had an entirely different attitude toward Coffee than he did for Wine. When he bought Coffee, he wanted it cheap, and he wanted to buy it from his truck. He was not interested in how it tasted.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

They want to Learn, but not Something that would Change Them

I have been indulging on a long email with my siblings about something only we are interested in.

And I have found, once again, that I know almost nothing about them. And they know almost nothing about themselves, Or anything else.

I live in a world that knows nothing but will not change.

Alone and Self-Obsessed: Why are we getting more and more depressed?

The Polymath Project

In this essay, I want to look at one interesting trend the book mentions: young Americans seem to be getting more and more depressed.

When I was living in Silicon Valley, I noticed this too - although I was no longer young.

I had a little income to retire on (my Social Security annuity) but I would have to live somewhere else maybe Costa Rica. I took a plane down to check it out. 

I noticed on the taxi from the airport that these people were friendly, they liked other people. I had found the right place to live! 

And I am still here. 

A Little-Known A.I. Method Can Train on Your Health Data Without Threatening Your Privacy

MIT Technology Review

This is one more thing you gotta read.

It merges nicely with my posting today MIT is Making a Better World.

The world cannot decide if it is getting worse. or getting better.

The Seventies: A Cultural Review

New Yorker

I hope you can see this. All the links to it are rather involved.

I can remember the Seventies well. Beth and I were a couple of crazy kids, living in Santa Barbara, California when it was still cheap.

People from the Midwest still drove to Florida or California for the winter, and considered this long drive perfectly normal.

The stagflation in the Seventies ended all this.

No Deviants

This is now true everywhere.

At one time, the Protestants were actively protesting the established culture - the Catholics. But now they have joined them in opposing different deviants, such as homosexuals - anyone who is different.

This was also true economically, in the Industrial economy. Where most people took advantage of those who were different.

In the Computer economy, that we are gradually moving into, this does not seem right.

MIT is Making a Better World

MIT is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But now is just as interested (if not more interested) in technology's effects on people.

I can't help but notice if you notice where things are going on, these places are on the East Coast and the West Coast. The Midwest, by far the largest part of the country. is where nothing much is going on. And where people do not exist very much.

However, the Midwest Mindset is common everywhere. Everyone wants to be like everyone else, the world over.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Computer Science Was Invented to Teach Everyone About Everything

Communications of the ACM

"The most valuable acquisitions in a scientific or technical education are the general-purpose mental tools which remain serviceable for a lifetime. I rate natural language and mathematics as the most important of these tools, and computer science as a third.''

I agree. 

Frederic Wehrey

NY Review of Books

This is about Libya, a country I know nothing about, and never want to visit.

But I do like to read, and this is good reading.

Good in Some Ways, Bad in Other Ways

And the boundary between the two keeps shifting.

This creates great stress, that requires great changes, that everyone ignores. We do not know how to cope with great changes, so we pretend they are not happening.

Many of these changes happened in the 19th and 20th Centuries, and are still going on today.

And we are still saying, as loudly as we can "Nothing is going on. Everything is the same as it always has been!" While we run for the closest exit.

The Antisocial Society

This makes no sense! You must be saying, and you are right about that, in normal situations.

But today's situation is not normal, and things that make no sense, seem sensible. And not only sensible but inevitable.

In normal situations, society is constructive - now it is destructive. And people can see nothing wrong with that.

That's the way it is. they are saying, and it cannot be changed.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Machine Learning is Difficult

Once a company learns how to do ML, they have a huge advantage that keeps getting better.

You are competing with Google that has thousands of machine learning models. That work together seamlessly.

The other companies go out of business.

My Interest in Literature

Where did this come from?

Theodore Dreiser was an American novelist and journalist of the naturalist school. His novels often featured main characters who succeeded at their objectives despite a lack of a firm moral code.

No one in my family was the least bit like him. Although the religious family in An American Tragedy was almost a satire of my own religious family. This was written in 1925, and turned into a movie.

I am now reading The Theodore Dreiser Collection. 

I have discovered a taste in Literature I didn't know existed. 

How AI Will Rewire Us

Medium |Atlantic

As consequential as these innovations were, however, they did not change the fundamental aspects of human behavior that comprise what I call the “social suite”: a crucial set of capacities we have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, including love, friendship, cooperation, and teaching. The basic contours of these traits remain remarkably consistent throughout the world, regardless of whether a population is urban or rural, and whether or not it uses modern technology.

But adding artificial intelligence to our midst could be much more disruptive. Especially as machines are made to look and act like us and to insinuate themselves deeply into our lives, they may change how loving or friendly or kind we are — not just in our direct interactions with the machines in question, but in our interactions with one another.

I have said much the same thing - robots are forcing us to work together better. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Top 7 mental health YouTubers


Mental health is a big deal because it can kill you. As it did my beautiful. but crazy wife Beth.

The five years I was married to her, were the most interesting years of my life but I would not want to repeat them.

Machine Learning Explainability

The complete title is Why Model Explainability is The Next Data Science Superpower. And a good article it is.

Affect Theory

The New Yorker

In “Ugly Feelings” (2005), Ngai published a “bestiary of affects,” including animatedness, envy, irritation, paranoia, and the combination of shock and boredom that she called “stuplimity.” Other affect theorists noted that, amid a sense of dawning futility, many people seem to derive their greatest pleasure from making others feel bad; disaffection and disillusionment are contagions we can spread ourselves.

Why Data Science Teams Need Generalists, Not Specialists

Harvard Business Review

This explains a lot and is easy to understand. Online journalism at its best.

My Espresso Machine

This shows how the Market can work when it is working correctly.

It is a complicated machine, with many expensive parts, that cost less than $100.

The coffee it uses is made by a complicated Industry that includes many independent farmers, processors that take the coffee fruit and turn it into the coffee bean, roasters that blend the beans and roast them - and the chemical companies that produce the sprays that keep the plants healthy.

And the coffee pickers that show up at harvest time, many of them from Nicaragua and Panama. Technically, they are illegal but everyone overlooks this, during the picking season that lasts from November to February. After which, they are strongly encouraged to return home.

People and Things

Both of these are struggling for power, and right now it looks like things are winning. Because they have no feelings.

This is nothing new, but this struggle has intensified in the last 500 years or so, in the Industrial Economy. When Machines have become more powerful. And more intelligent.

How can people compete against robots?

They can (easily enough) but they have to improve the way they work together first.

But this seems nearly impossible.

Successful people became this way because they became like machines. And reversing these changes would be difficult.

In fact, impossible if they don't recognize the problem facing them.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Defective Reasoning

I am an expert at this. My reasoning is sometimes so defective it amazes me.

However, when I have these realizations, part of me (the rational part) knows my reasoning is defective. And knows enough (usually) to not take this reasoning seriously.

I seem to be unusual this way, because most people are not aware of this at all. And are perfectly happy with the most amazing stupidity. As long as other people feel the same way. And their ability to detect what other people are thinking and feeling is phenomenal.

They can conform easily but can be different, only with great difficulty. And they cannot tell the difference.

Predicting their future is difficult, but we can easily see it is not bright. Their infrastructure is so fragile, they cannot amount to much.

Take Costa Rica, where I now live. It had a revolution in 1947, that made it the most advanced country in Central America. But its next President will probably be an Evangelical, with no political competence.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Fissured Workplace

This interview is part of an MIT course I am taking about the Future of Work.

It is 20 minutes long, and will not take too much of your precious time.

The Most Important People

The most important people are the people who are not here and are not participating in today's world.

They are at least 80 percent of the population, perhaps 99 percent, and their numbers are growing.

They elected Trump, because of his similarity to them.

And have no idea what is going on.

Going to the Barber in Orosi

I wish you could have gone along with me this morning, as I did this.

I kept reminding myself that Ticos have a different sense of time, and they cannot be rushed.

My barber was a young man who probably learned by watching other barbers in action. He was conscientious to a fault.

He had an idealized notion of what the overall effect should be, and was determined to give me the perfect cut.

More customers kept coming in, and he added them to his queue, without missing a beat. 

Google Craziness

If you have been suspecting this, your suspicions are correct, Google Craziness does not just affect Google, it affects all of us. It is part of all of us.

This was made by all of us, once the Internet appeared, Google just realized it was there.

At one time, this was seen as a good thing - it was instant Democracy! But it didn't take long for the faults of Democracy to appear - in the form of democratically elected dictators.

I am taking a course on the Google Cloud, and I can see another form of craziness at work there. They have discovered how everything works (they think).

They call this Artificial Intelligence (AI). But anyone, (even me!) can see through this.

This is BS, and I don't have to translate that for you.

The Blister Pack

Sometime when I was growing up, probably in the Fifties, I read somewhere that the Blister Pack was the next big deal. And this prophecy came true, without anyone noticing it.

We did not decide to make it important, other things decided that for us.

My Personal Project

I am a control freak. I want to have control of myself and my feelings,

This is unusual because most people want something else to be in control. They are not picky about what that something else is, as long as it is not them. Their main thing in life is not being, and making sure everyone can see that.

This morning, I was amazed to see this article about Affect Theory. And to see I was not alone.

In October, 2011, the literary scholar and cultural theorist Lauren Berlant published “Cruel Optimism,” a meditation on our attachment to dreams that we know are destined to be dashed. Berlant had taught in the English Department at the University of Chicago since 1984. She had established herself as a skilled interpreter of film and literature, starting out with a series of influential, interlinked books that she called her “national sentimentality trilogy.” A sense of national identity, these books argued, wasn’t so much a set of conscious decisions that we make as it was a set of compulsions—attachments and identifications—that we feel. In “Cruel Optimism,” Berlant moved from theorizing about genres of fiction to theorizing about “genres for life.” We like to imagine that our life follows some kind of trajectory, like the plot of a novel, and that by recognizing its arc we might, in turn, become its author. But often what we feel instead is a sense of precariousness—a gut-level suspicion that hard work, thrift, and following the rules won’t give us control over the story, much less guarantee a happy ending. For all that, we keep on hoping, and that persuades us to keep on living.

Where have I been all my life? Wherever it was, it was not the right place for me.

Monday, March 18, 2019

From making a Photo to making a Video

This is a big change and one we don't always want to make.

There is something comforting about looking at a photo (it doesn't move around) and something uncomfortable about looking at a video (you don't know what is coming next).

Photos are like paintings, they can be assigned a value (sometimes Millions of Dollars).

Videos were like the Movies, they had to be stored on reels of film. And even in Digital formats (on SD cards), they take up a lot more space.

The Cloud has changed that. Anyone can upload a video to YouTube, for free!

Even the huge amounts of data required for Machine Learning can be seen as a good thing, sold and used to make obscene amounts of money.

Smart Cameras need Smart Operators


I am learning how to use my latest digital camera, by carefully reading its User Manual. The one that came with the camera was too small, so I requested a larger one - which eventually I got as an attachment to an email.

This thing can do anything, even take pictures in the dark! It also has a Beauty Face mode.

Amazon now sells a new improved Vivitar model for the same price.

Making a Life of Your Own

For most people this is impossible. They don't have a life of their own and don't want one.

They usually settle for an imaginary life, that is not satisfying but is safe - no one can take it away from them.

In primitive cultures, they solve this problem by not having individuals. everyone is surrounded by his family or tribe, all the time. But this limits the size of their groups to about 100.

Did I have a life of my own when I was growing up? Good question.

I went to college, became an Electronic Engineer, and made good money. I was a success, and for most people that was all that mattered. But I knew, deep down, this was not enough.

I got married, but Beth had the same problem. She could not be a loving wife. and had a mental breakdown instead. And a few years later, killed herself.

I have seen this problem surface in many people's lives (as a problem they cannot solve). And even in the life of nations, such as the US and the UK.

It is a problem in our global society. We cannot increase its size, without causing huge problems. 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Amazon Merged Development and Operations

DevOps more than anything else made Amazon a success. And made its founder, Jeff Bezos, the richest man on earth. He purchased The Washington Post in 2013 for US$250 million in cash.

Before he took over, Development was managed seperatly from Operations in all Computer Companies, and this was popular with Developers because they could just develop a product to their satisfaction through it over the wall and let Operations maintain it (a much harder job).

He cracked heads together and told his employees, if they wanted a job, they would do things his way. He was credited with saying "You got to eat your own dog food!"

‘Beyond the Screen’ With Blaed Spence and Jennifer Rauch

This Team wants us to be Human. What a shocking idea!

I have only one criticism "Why does each one of them have a mic in front of their mouth?"

Using the User

To do your product testing.

Microsoft did this with Windows 10 - they offered this for free, and after its users got the bugs out of it, they charged for it. I have one of these myself.

Consider this Digital Camera I bought from Amazon. It was actually made by Gopon (whomever they were) very cheaply - with an inadequate User Manual.

Amazon just came out with this camera. Its users have tested the first camera, and it can now sell the same thing, as a different brand, and pocket the difference. It even has a pink color!

The Smartphone makes us Feel Smart

This why it is so successful.

People will go to a huge amount of work. figuring out how their Smartphone works, because it makes them feel smart themselves.

The Laptop, by contrast, only makes Smart People (Programmers) feel smarter. They will end up being richer also, but this will take some time.

I am Stupid, but that is Normal

It has taken me a while to realize this, but now it seems obvious.

We are stupid compared to all the smart things around us.

I am now working my way through the User Manual of my new Digital Camera. It is patiently showing me how it works, one part at a time. Beginning with drawings showing the names of each part. 

People Hate Each Other

And they hate each other for the very best of reasons - because other people hate them.

This is clearly circular reasoning, but it does not feel this way to the people involved, For them the logic is straightforward - dog bites dog and dog bites back, Society has become one big dogfight.

There is no solution to this. There will always be people around, too many people in fact. And with this much raw material, solutions will probably be found.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Ambivalent Internet: Mischief, Oddity, and Antagonism Online

Data and Society

These two people are trying to understand today's world, but the world they are talking about does not appreciate the work they have gone through to make this presentation.

Machine Learning tells us a lot about Human Learning

But few people are interested in learning. They would rather die than learn anything new.

This is where we are in the history of the human race.

Where some people are racing ahead but most people are racing the opposite way, as fast as they can.
They know, if they knew what was going on, bad things will happen.

These bad things do not exist, but for them, this is even worse!

Understanding Society

I just finished reading The Tragedy of Baltimore, and had come to the conclusion that no one knew what was going on there. And worse than that, no one seemed to care.

Part of the reason for this is the inadequacy of the printed word to describe social problems.

The reporters who wrote this must have developed a good understanding of what was going on, but could not pass this understanding on to the readers of their report.

This problem has existed ever since the creation of the Modern World. about 500 years ago. When the world became impossible to understand. But the people in that world did not realize this.

They had always been able to think, but now could not.

This was true for most people - there was always a minority who understood what was going on, but they always remained a minority.

The Tragedy of Baltimore

Friday, March 15, 2019

Framing an ML problem

I am taking the course How Google does Machine Learning, and it is making me think. As you can see in this page.

To make a machine learn, the person designing the machine has to be smarter than it is.

Which eliminates most of the population.

Dad was not Very Bright

I realize this is not a nice thing to say, but if he had taken some time near the end of his life (as I am doing now) he would probably have come to the same conclusion.

His own father was not too bright, but everyone liked him. His mother, by contrast, was a tough businesswoman, but no one liked her.

The woman he married was like his mother, but she was even tougher and more religious.

One sign of intelligence is how well you take care of yourself - and I have to give my father low marks there.

He did impress people with his modest religious accomplishments, but I have never been impressed by these myself.

The church both he and his wife believed in, has slowly disappeared.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

When Making Money was more Important than Safety

I have lost my link to the original article about this. But this is what it said - in aviation, safety has to always have top priority.

I worked for the FAA from 1959 to 1979, and I observed that sometimes getting along with a contractor was a higher priority.

My Miserable Childhood

When memories of this come back to me I get diarrhea.

But I am lucky in a way - this means I can remember part of my unhappy childhood. My siblings can remember very little of theirs, And this is true of most Americans - they live miserable lives but are not aware of this.

And not just Americans, most Europeans also - any affluent country (now including China). Affluence was produced by the Industrial Revolution, that caused huge inequalities inside countries, and between countries. And between parents and their children.

This last inequality is the most important. And is something I don't see in Costa Rica where I now live. Adults enjoy helping the young - so much so, they will borrow someone else's child so they can take care of it. Pre-schools are common and very active.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Is the Computer your Friend?

This is a tricky question, and it deserves some careful thought.

We have to begin by asking ourselves "What is the Computer?"  And tolerate a long reply by an expert ( such as Ada Lovelace, or consult Wikipedia's article about her.

From this, you can discern that the Computer was the work of many people, including the scandalous poet Lord Byron.  It was sexy from its earliest beginnings. it became profitable also and attracted lots of money to it.

The Computer Reality

I am fascinated by this, but for most people, it does not exist.

They know how to use it, but they don't know how it works - and don't want to. They know it is running their lives, but have no interest in knowing how it runs them.

Right now I am reading The Complete JavaScript Handbook, published by the FreeCodeCamp. If you want to learn to program, they will teach you for free!

The Possible and the Impossible

It is important that we realize the importance of the impossible because it is much more common than the possible. And the biggest job we have is sorting out which is which.

Humans have been doing this forever. This is what they are good at - finding new ways to survive. But lately, in the last 500 years or so (in the Modern World) this has become more difficult.

This is now our most important job - recognizing how difficult life has become. A job most people do not even want to recognize.

By most people, I am referring to at least 80 percent of the population, and maybe as high as 99 percent. Which makes them feel they must be doing things right. When in fact, they are doing things wrong. 

I will become more explicit, and speak of my life in the scenic little coffee town of Orosi, Costa Rice. 

The buses that used to bring tourists to see our church (the only one to survive the earthquakes that are common here) are becoming less frequent. The weak economy has become almost nonexistent. Starting a business here now is impossible. 

The American who started a Real Estate company here is just barely alive. without a hair on his head, I have had some serious medical problems myself, and have used the National Health service (CAJA) frequently. 

There used to be many foreigners here, attending the language school or living in homes that they bought or built. The house I am living in now was owned by an American couple that operated a vegetarian restaurant here. The husband is now buried in the cemetery just up the road, and the wife and her daughters now live in Seatle. 

Orosi is no longer a good place for foreigners to live, and reversing this trend is impossible. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

NATO Enlargement Turns 20

Twenty years ago today, the first major post–Cold War expansion of NATO took place in an unlikely locale: Independence, Missouri. The Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland officially entered NATO in a ceremony at the Truman Library organized by the U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, herself a refugee from Czechoslovakia. She had arranged for the accession ceremony to take place at the Missouri site to honor the president on whose watch the alliance had formed fifty years earlier. The foreign ministers of the new member-states got a ride to Missouri on the secretary’s plane and, while in flight, the Polish foreign minister, Bronislaw Geremek, expressed his gratitude to Albright. He told her that NATO enlargement was “the most important event that has happened to Poland since the onset of Christianity.”

What am I?

This is not the question "Who am I?"

As you get older, this becomes harder and harder to answer. You become too many things.

I can see the wisdom of designing beings with limited life spans. And starting over with new ones, every so often.

This is even true of cockroaches - I put an old one in my trash frequently. It's too bad they cannot instruct the young - they might learn something useful.

This is especially true of people, who go through a rapid learning phase that lasts for years - until sexual maturity originally, but now seems to last forever.

I am faced with the constant decision "What courses do I want to end, and what ones do I want to start?" 

Most people are not faced with this decision - they have decided to not learn anything new. And they enforce this decision with amazing zeal.

If I say "This means your culture is finished!" They see nothing wrong with that.

They only want it to end faster.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Break up Tech

Benedict's Newsletter

Elizabeth Warren, a US politician, and presidential candidate published a proposal for very wide-ranging regulation and the breakup of big tech companies.

It's an odd combination of both very specific and very vague: the basic idea seems to be that you can't both have a 'platform' and have a business on the platform.

There should be a debate about this - Benedict vs Warren. Having two politicians debate anything has become a waste of time. 

Becoming tech aware is a big job - but one we can no longer avoid. 

No Planning Ahead

This is another characteristic of our times. Nothing is planned and this (for many people) is the proper way to operate.

I just got an email, saying that Microsoft had joined Intel in some newest and greatest new thing. But they did not check to see if it worked for me, and thousands like me.

It didn't!

Why Understand?

I'm sure many people feel this way. Why bother to understand how the world works? It's too much work, and it gets you nothing.

This is what's behind today's rejection of Science. Which is seen as anti-religious, and insists on efficient operating techniques.

Today's techniques, by contrast, emphasize the quick acquisition of power, regardless of its ultimate consequences.

I keep remembering my experiences at a company called Adaptec. The founder of the company was an immigrant from Eastern Europe, that arrived with $20 in his pockets. He built a company worth millions.

When I started working there, in the Nineties, it's market niche (the making of Adaptors) was no longer, and it was trying to reinvent itself, Except no one understood this. I watched in amazement as it self-destructed.

No one was trying to understand - but were trying their best to not understand.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

InPixio Photo Editor

This is available for free for Windows 10.

Don't have Windows 10 yet? Buy a laptop with 8 Mb of RAM, install the Chrome browser, and have everything (including the Blogger app I used to write this with).

What is Cloud Computing?


It really is as simple as this 1 minute, 10-second video shows you!

You also have to pay $50 a month for the course. Not bad, for making you smarter about an important subject.

Machine Learning for Beginners: An Introduction to Neural Networks

Victor Zhou

This guy is a Programming Genius, trying his best to make us geniuses also. 

You can judge for yourself whether he has succeeded or not. 

The Masses

I wrote a review of The Revenge of the Masses yesterday, but today I deleted it.

I still consider this an important work, but I think he should be credited mostly for his discovery of the Masses. A huge discovery that continues to be ignored everywhere.

The Masses have made the democracies of the world, the rule of the Masses, who are stupid by their very nature.

They were made possible by the invention of mass communications, beginning with the Radio - that all the dictators of the Thirties (FDR, Hitler, Mussolini) made full use of.

But Ortega y Gasset did not notice in the Civil War in his own country - Spain.

He should have immigrated to NYC and taught at the New School, with all the other intellectuals there. That way he would have made a huge impact on world history - instead of being easily forgotten. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

How to make a robot with a real personality


Sounds spooky, doesn't it? Read on, my friend, and find out why.

Mass Communications

The first one of these was the Radio. When people were listening to a Radio program, they were all listening to the same program - and they knew this. They were all part of the same huge audience.

FDR had his fireside chats, that made his listeners feel they were part of his family. Hitler also used the Radio to make his listeners feel part of the Third Reich, speaking to them in German. Mossulini used Italian. They all knew the importance of the spoken language, and the power it gave them.

Being Stupid is Getting Even

Most people have become stupid - why?

I think they are getting even with a world that has treated them badly.

This will sound like a strange reason, for people who are wealthier than ever. But it is not so strange when you consider what people really want in life. Which is to be treated decently.

We have to consider the superficial aspect of life, as contrasted with its fundamental aspect.

Superficially, Americans have it made. They have the best houses in the world and the finest cars. But they also have the highest levels of stress. In fact, they invented the idea, and the rest of the world is looking to them, to further refine its definitions and treatments.

Silicon Valley (a real place) is where these contradictions are being worked out. The stress there was too much for me, and I moved to Costa Rica. Everyone there understood my reason for moving. and wished me the best.

But when they realized I was building a new life for myself, down here, they lost interest. They wanted to stay up there, with its problems solved for them.

They needed the American Life, with all its imperfections, and would accept none other.

I watch this going on (with the election of Trump) and it is my turn to wish them the best.

Friday, March 8, 2019


I refer you to Wikipedia's discussion of Ortega y Gasset:

The Revolt of the Masses is Ortega's best known work. In this book he defends the values of meritocratic liberalism reminiscent of John Stuart Mill against attacks from both communists and right-wing populists.[10] Ortega likewise shares Mill's fears of the "tyranny of the majority" and the "collective mediocrity" of the masses which threaten individuality, free thought, and protections for minorities.[10] Ortega characterized liberalism as a politics of "magnanimity."[10]

Americans do not favor Liberalism now, but favor Conservatism, as defined by the Republican party.

Why is the Human Race in Such Bad Shape?

This question practically answers itself - because most people will respond with "What problems?"

As far as they know, there aren't any worth worrying about.

Or perhaps they fear to question anything, knowing they are on shaky ground.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Mark Zuckerberg Announces Facebook’s Pivot to Privacy

New Yorker

“Public social networks will continue to be very important in people’s lives,” Zuckerberg writes. But “the future of communication will increasingly shift to private, encrypted services.”

Whatever the case. Facebook will continue to be profitable.

Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms


This is a great book, even though at first glance it looks boring. How can algorithms be interesting?

There have been times in my life (more than I care to remember) when I relied on an algorithm when I shouldn't have.

Becoming an Engineer, for example, because everyone thought it was a smart idea, doomed me to a wasted life.

I had a therapist in Silicon Valley, who said I was depressed and recommended Prozac to cure me. And more therapists kept increasing the dosage.

This was a case of the blind leading the blind, and I was fortunate no lasting damage was done.

My Hands were Shaking

I decided to do something a little different today - I did some shopping at the Mercado in Cartago. Beginning with a meal that didn't cost very much.

This when I noticed my hands were shaking. I must have been doing something that bothered me.

I must have decided to not let things bother me, that usually do.

Take it from me - I like being upset, and not letting myself get upset, was a huge change.

Tech Is Splitting the U.S. Workforce in Two

NY Times

This is not an easy read, and it has no easy answers.

It requires intelligent readers, that are in short supply.

Facebook is now an American Company and a Chinese Company

Zuk's wife was a Chinese citizen studying in the US. When she married Zuk, she acquired dual citizenship - a very useful status to have.

And a very useful status for Facebook to have. It was now part of the two largest economies in the world.

Worth trillions of Dollars, that cost it nothing!

Being Stupid means not Liking Yourself

And one more thing - not being aware of this.

Why is this so?

No one knows, but it is obvious that many things are involved, including low self-esteem.

I am surrounded by stupid people, and I could use any of them as an example (including myself).

What we have to do is accept stupidity as a given, and then work from there. And describe the various kinds of stupidity that we encounter.

We will be tempted to moralize about our findings but we have to resist this, and just state the facts.

Including the fact, that we like being stupid.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Loss of the Small Business

This happened in my Father's time, and I credit it with the enormous stress he (and all small businessmen) went through.

Most of them died at an early age. And most of them owned small businesses (including family farms).

The Tripp family were a typical example. The Father inherited a farm, right after WWII. and he used this to make himself rich, in the booming economy that followed.

He had sons, but they did not do so well at farming - and had to find jobs instead. And they became harder to find, as small businesses became scarcer.

Americans were forced to ask themselves "What happened to America?"

They did not answer this, by noting that multinational companies were taking over, in the process of Globalization.

In My Body, Everything Affects Everything Else

How I wish this wasn't so!

Today I pooped in my pants. My colon didn't ask my permission to do so - but all the tiny microoranisms in my colon gave me direct orders: poop now!

We live in a world where everything affects everything else - and we are just observers of all this activity going on.

We believe in free will - but this choice (if it exists at all) is affected by so many other things it gets lost in the crowd.

The Mueller Papers

Progress America

Somehow this found its way through the crowd of documents in my inbox. And I bought the Kindle version.

To read this, you will need a Kindle viewer also. And the desire for the facts, that few seem interested in.

In this case, the facts make interesting reading.

Is Facebook making a Better World?

No, it is not and is not trying to do this.

It is making money, but doing so in a tricky way. By making its users feel better while making them weaker.

The Computer is giving people more power, but they don't understand it and don't seem to want it.

Facebook is filling this intellectual vacuum.

Being an Important Person

This is a tricky business. We are all important, just being alive. But somehow we feel this is not enough, and we have to be better.

As a result, we become worse. And not able to tell the difference.

We do not like Other People

And we consider this normal behavior, in our typical environment - the Office.

Growing up an American in the last half of the 20th Century, was a painful experience. But I feel proud of one thing - I did not lose my basic goodness. It was badly battered, but I kept feeling that they were wrong.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

What should I expect of Other People?

Most people would answer "Nothing!"

But I think we can expect more - although I am not sure what that is.

I am tempted to say "They should be real!" But that is probably too much to ask in today's world - where people are trying as hard as they can, to be better than real.

A person behind the steering wheel of a car, for example. Or someone watching TV.

Or even better, someone with a VR viewer.

Waiting for your Lab Results at the Hospital

I did this yeasterday - and there were times I didn't think I was going to make it.

You go through a long check-in process, where they decide what is wrong with you, and how they are going to fix it.

You may be assigned to a doctor, who does a detailed examination and decides on a plan of action. I was given an injection in the muscles of my lower back. She then asked for Lab tests to see if more work needed to be done.

This required a wait of two hours while the Lab tests were being run. I could see many of my fellow patients were in bad shape, but we all had to wait.

I should have gotten my camera out, and made a video of this scene. But my mind was not working too well.

I then went to see my doctor, who reported on the test results. There was nothing much wrong with me. All I had to do was take my pain pills, and get some exercise - but not too much!

Samsung partners with Calm for guided meditation and sleep programs for Galaxy device owners


Samsung has now announced a partnership with Calm to give its consumers seamless access to the service by integrating Calm into the Samsung Health platform.

Mutable and Immutable

I am learning about Google's cloud (GCP) and these attributes are important there. They mean it can be changed, or it cannot be changed.

Amazon has kicked me out of its cloud (AWS) and Microsoft (Azure) has too. I am left with Google, who built its cloud to serve Google but will let other people use it - if they want to be like Google.

And they are willing to show you how this is done. They will hold your hand, all the way.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

The History of the Future


This book is the War and Peace of our time.

It has a huge cast of characters and enough scene changes to make Tolstoy envious.

It is however very technical, with computers having the best parts.

Zuk's Wife


Zuckerberg met his future wife, fellow student Priscilla Chan, at a fraternity party during his sophomore year at Harvard. They began dating in 2003.[167][168]

In September 2010, Zuckerberg invited Chan, by then a medical student at the University of California,[169] to move into his rented Palo Alto house. Zuckerberg studied Mandarin in preparation for the couple's visit to China in December 2010.[170][171] On May 19, 2012, Zuckerberg and Chan married in Zuckerberg's backyard in an event that also celebrated her graduation from medical school.[172][173][174] On July 31, 2015, Zuckerberg announced that he and Chan were expecting a baby girl. He said he felt confident that the risk of miscarrying was low so far into the pregnancy, after Chan had already suffered three miscarriages.[175] On December 1, Zuckerberg announced the birth of their daughter, Maxima Chan Zuckerberg ("Max").[176][177] The couple announced on their Chinese New Year video, published on February 6, 2016, that Maxima's official Chinese name is Chen Mingyu (Chinese: 陈明宇).[178] They welcomed their second daughter, August, in August 2017

Meet the digital El Chapo

Washington Post

The Post is giving the Times a run for its money here.

Meanwhile, sitting in federal jail a few miles away from the Brooklyn courtroom where Guzmán was convicted, and awaiting his own sentencing, is a 46-year-old ex-computer programmer named Paul Calder Le Roux. He is a lesser-known former drug kingpin, but his methods may tell us more than Guzmán’s about where the modern drug-cartel model is headed.

In the future, it may increasingly be the IT experts who are sitting atop the cartels, operating in the digital shadows and guided by a mantra straight out of Silicon Valley: Move fast and break things.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

What we have Learned from Deep Learning

Deep Learning works - but we cannot say how it works. If you take this and this and do this to them - they learn!

And their learning keeps getting better. Once one of them learns how to translate a language (any language) it can translate any other language!

Nothing like this has ever happened before. The gods once gave men fire, and they used it wisely (usually). Now they have given them something even better. Let's hope we use it wisely also!

Getting Started with Cloud Launcher


I have decided to get in bed with Google, and the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

My accounts with the Amazon Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Microsoft Cloud (Azure) have already been canceled. But Google still seems to like me and wants to show me how to use its services.

I already use Gmail, the Chrome browser. their Calendar, and the Blogger app. They are easy to get along with.

This video shows me how to get started. I have stopped it, backed up, and looked at it again several times. This is one advantage a Computer has - it does not care how stupid you are.

The Times knows how to make People Read It

NY Times Magazine

"Big deal! you may say, few people read anymore. And even fewer care what they write about."

But even in today's world of viewers, not readers - people still read and write.

TV has made printing obsolete, but not completely obsolete. People still subscribe to the Times, and read it!

The Truth in the 21st Century

The world needs smarter people now - but most people have become stupider instead.

The results are illiberal democracies everywhere. These are not Fascist, but something similar - countries that make their people stupid, led by dictators who make them feel smart.

This has been made possible by Television, that most people watch religiously - and could not do without.

Because it tells them the Truth.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Buddhism can be Evil

Mashable - This is why mindfulness isn't working for you

I had an excellent meditation teacher (Shinzen Young) and he said in Japan this is widely acknowledged, and they even have a name for it.

The man who owns the house I live in has a Buddhist statue in the front yard and wears a tattoo, around one of his arms. Neither one has done him much good, as he freely admits.

The Business Uniform

I pay attention to what people are wearing. Whether it is the standard business suit and tie - or not. The tie is especially important. I wish I knew when it made its appearance.

I know it is not worn at software conferences. The people there speak derisively of "the suits" and would not be caught wearing one.

Just this morning, Steve Wozniak, in this mspoweruser article speaks of techclash - and he is not wearing a businessman's uniform. He prefers Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter - who is not shown wearing the uniform either.