Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What am I?

This is not the question "Who am I?"

As you get older, this becomes harder and harder to answer. You become too many things.

I can see the wisdom of designing beings with limited life spans. And starting over with new ones, every so often.

This is even true of cockroaches - I put an old one in my trash frequently. It's too bad they cannot instruct the young - they might learn something useful.

This is especially true of people, who go through a rapid learning phase that lasts for years - until sexual maturity originally, but now seems to last forever.

I am faced with the constant decision "What courses do I want to end, and what ones do I want to start?" 

Most people are not faced with this decision - they have decided to not learn anything new. And they enforce this decision with amazing zeal.

If I say "This means your culture is finished!" They see nothing wrong with that.

They only want it to end faster.

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