Monday, March 11, 2019

Why Understand?

I'm sure many people feel this way. Why bother to understand how the world works? It's too much work, and it gets you nothing.

This is what's behind today's rejection of Science. Which is seen as anti-religious, and insists on efficient operating techniques.

Today's techniques, by contrast, emphasize the quick acquisition of power, regardless of its ultimate consequences.

I keep remembering my experiences at a company called Adaptec. The founder of the company was an immigrant from Eastern Europe, that arrived with $20 in his pockets. He built a company worth millions.

When I started working there, in the Nineties, it's market niche (the making of Adaptors) was no longer, and it was trying to reinvent itself, Except no one understood this. I watched in amazement as it self-destructed.

No one was trying to understand - but were trying their best to not understand.

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