Sunday, March 31, 2019

Being Superior

This gets people into lots of trouble.

This was rampant with Industrialization and Capitalism. That created a series of wars - The American Civil War, WWI, the Depression, WWII. and the Cold War, which is still going on.

The Depression is not usually considered a war, but its effects were the same - tremendous destruction.

In all of these, people were fighting for a righteous cause, that now seems ridiculous.

Examples of foolish wars are numerous, but I want to concentrate on one that involved my family's history - the Mormon Wars.

These occurred mainly in the 19th Century, but Mormons of various kinds are still around and seem determined to ignore their history.

They should be coming to grips with their past, which is necessary before they can move forward.

They have not, and the result is a total mess, that no one can understand.

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