Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Defective Reasoning

I am an expert at this. My reasoning is sometimes so defective it amazes me.

However, when I have these realizations, part of me (the rational part) knows my reasoning is defective. And knows enough (usually) to not take this reasoning seriously.

I seem to be unusual this way, because most people are not aware of this at all. And are perfectly happy with the most amazing stupidity. As long as other people feel the same way. And their ability to detect what other people are thinking and feeling is phenomenal.

They can conform easily but can be different, only with great difficulty. And they cannot tell the difference.

Predicting their future is difficult, but we can easily see it is not bright. Their infrastructure is so fragile, they cannot amount to much.

Take Costa Rica, where I now live. It had a revolution in 1947, that made it the most advanced country in Central America. But its next President will probably be an Evangelical, with no political competence.

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