Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The LDS, RLDS, JSIII, David Smith

My Family was RLDS, and I know a few things about their history.

Mormonism was founded by Joseph Smith (usually referred to by his followers as Joseph Smith the Prophet). When he was killed by an angry mob in 1844, he had three young boys ; JSIII, Alexander, and David, who could barely remember their father.

JSIII eventually become the leader of the RLDS church, in 1860, that had been founded by Rich Farmers in Northern Illinios, close to Chicago. Who had been church members under his father. 

The three brothers first tried to convert LDS, thinking they would be easy converts. But these missions were complete failures.

After the last of these, David lost his mind and was incarcerated for the rest of his life in an insane asylum. No one ever visited him there, and he was forgotten about.

JSIII then began an active missionary program in the Midwest, that was successful. The church moved to Lamoni, Iowa, because the farmers bought a lot of land there. Then it moved to Independence, Mo, and began a building program there. This is where JSIII died, as a respectable member of the area. This area also houses the Harry S Truman Library and Museum.

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