Thursday, October 31, 2019

Blockchain Principles

I am taking this course now from Block Geeks.

If I were teaching it, I would start off by asking "What is a block?" And expect a student to take the marker pen out of my hand and draw a square with it.

I would then ask "What is in this block?" He (or She) would then write "Hash, Data, Hash," (from top to bottom, or bottom to top) with it. I would promote him to the next class, immediately.

You might want to read and listen to it anyway.

For further information:

Cryptographic hash function

Big Business and Small Business

I must have acquired a hatred of Big Business early in my life, and I probably got it from my father, who was a small businessman.

Small Business and Big Business are two different things, as plenty of people can tell you. But the two can coexist easily. If they don't, the economy is in big trouble.

In Ft. Madison, Iowa, where I grew up, the West End of the town was dominated by the Santa Fe Railroad, which was Big Business. But it was surrounded by many small businesses, such as Barber Shops (and Whorehouses).

This is also true in Software, where some very big companies (such as Google) dominate, but lots of small companies are very active. The Feds are trying to regulate this, but cannot, because they do not understand it.

I even see this in Costa Rica, where I now live. It has a public health service, with some large hospitals, that provide basic care at a low price. These are surrounded by clinics that provide advanced services,  such as Mammograms. The result is good care at affordable prices.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Prove Your Azure Skills to the World


Most companies are implementing or investigating how to implement cloud technologies within their operations. Now's the time to take advantage of this booming career. According to Microsoft, Azure is being used by 85% of the Fortune 500 companies while salary estimates for Azure Architects are between $130,000 and $170,000. 

This is Big Money, but Most People are not interested. I am not interested because Microsoft is not interested in me!

Google has training programs also, and I am acceptable to them.

Computer Programming for the People?


This movement has its critics, but it's looking to empower a new generation of computer users.

Why isn't this catching on? Because people want to be like other people, and other people do not program. And do not want to program. 

It's worse than that. Most people do not exist, and do not want to exist. I hate to bring this up, because it makes me sound like a crazy, but we have to see this also. 

There is also the inherent value that these skills can bring to the individual and his or her skill set. Coding leads to a kind of concrete achievement, and as those who have experimented with it will often testify, it provides a tangible sense of personal victory and empowerment. Learning it provides deeper and more profound understanding of the nearly infinite ways that we can use computers.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Cybersecurity Firm's Sharp Rise and Stunning Collapse

As I sat down for breakfast in front of my computer, I read this article on the New Yorker. It was a long read.

I was far out of my depth, and I knew it. It was talking about Cybersecurity, a subject so technical I could barely understand it. I had one small comfort: no one else does either.

We should be aware of our ignorance and telling each other about it. But we prefer to pretend to know everything. But we do not tell each other about this.

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to be a Rich Country

All the rich countries had a simple answer "Be like us!" 

Not realizing this was impossible for poor countries. Becoming rich was a long process (lasting hundreds of years) involving Industrialization, and Cultural Change. 

Americans are different from Mexicans, for many reasons, including Religion. Mexicans think of themselves differently and have different social objectives. 

They do not want to be like Americans. They like American money, but not Americans. But are too polite to say so. 

Their Intellectuals, who have probably studied in America, are aware of their problems, and how difficult they are. But only a few (American or Mexican) are listening to them. 

Poor Mexico, so far from God, and so close to America!

Sunday, October 27, 2019



This is a Google product. It is constantly snooping around the Web, and snapping up any good stuff it finds there. It then uses it internally and makes it available for anyone else to use.

This is what made Google the leader of the pack, of some fast-running dogs.

Compare it to Microsoft's position in Is Microsoft Being Weighed Down By the Ghosts of Its Past?

The Software industry is unusual and is helping us escape from the Industrial Revolution of our past.

The Insides of People and the Insides of Computers

Are entirely different. This is obvious.

And for most people, this difference cannot be overcome. They will never be able to program a computer, and they don't want to. It's too different.

But there are other people, for which this is not a problem. They are Computer Programmers or Developers, and they can make a lot of money doing this.

The world is now divided into two kinds of people: ordinary people and computer people. They are the same, except for a difference in the mind that lets computer people understand how computers work.

It's important that we realize this, and include it in our planning.

I have no idea what this difference in the mind is, or if it can be learned. I just know it exists, and it makes a big difference in the way people think.

There are still people on the top of the pile, who still run the world. They do not understand computers, but only know how to use them, in their advertising.

I get emails from them every day, begging for money, so they can win. They know money buys votes, and the computer is good at that.

It is good at many things, and now the quantum computer is on the horizon, it will be good for many more.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


This has been the curse of my life: Big Business. Also the Military. And I have worked for both.

The country I live in now: Costa Rica has no military. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much in the way of business either.

The nearest large town, Cartago, has four McDonalds and two Walmarts, and they are busy. But the little town I live in, Orosi, has nothing. There is no money here, and no one notices this. All we have is Tourist Buses, looking at us.

The transition to the present economy in the States began in the Fifties when I was in college studying to become an Electronic Engineer.  My father had been a small businessman, he owned a photography studio. He made plenty of money during WWII, but soon after that, he made nothing.

I made good money building Radar Stations to detect Soviet nuclear bombers that never came. This was a nice mix of Private Enterprise and the Military - and the Cold War. And Big Business.

These Radar Stations cost a lot of money. The latest one, the FPS-35, now sits in a State Park in Montauk, Long Island.

It was full of Vacuum Tubes. When these were replaced by the Transistor, my career was over and I moved into Computers.

This became Big Business also with five companies: Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook. They all had a problem (and still have a problem) with Ethics.

Software (the stuff that makes the Computer run) has no Ethics problem - because, by the nature of the stuff it cannot. Only Hardware can be unethical.

And Hardware was invented by the Industrial Revolution. That we may be graduating from.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mayor Pete

The NY Review has an excellent article about the guy. Entitled The Road Taken (on page 8).

His book is The Shortest Way Home, and for him, that was when he married another man.

Costa Rica is not Computer Savvy

And this one reason it is economically backward.

I can see this easily in their banking system. When you walk into a bank in a rural area, you are walking into an intellectual vacuum.

It doesn't feel that way to Ticos. Small advances feel like big advances to them. There are no national standards for anything. They do things the way their neighbors do them. Fifty miles away you are in a different neighborhood (barrio) and they do things a different way.


This is a weekly newsmagazine, published by the NY Times, about the latest technology news. This week it was unusually full.

You are probably not interested, so let me add something else; technology is money, and more money all the time.

Facebook is at the center of this, with its Libra cryptocurrency. Mister Z was questioned for 5 hours by Ms. Waxine Walters, in front of the cameras. She didn't ask about Libra very much, probably because she didn't know much about it.

She just knew it threatened the banks, and they were paying her to go after it.

This is the future of money (and everything else) but people are happiest when they know nothing about it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Destroying the Economy

This has happened a number of times, and has been referred to as a Panic, a Depression, or a Recession. Whatever it is called, it is greatly feared and people live in dread of it.

And at the same time they will not do anything to stop one from happening.

We are social beings, but when we socialize economically, we often screw up.

This is a big problem, and we should be working on it, but we are not.

Is this the result of a religious attitude toward riches?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Banco National

Who do I want to Get in Bed With?

Everyone has to answer this question, one way or the other.

We have to choose a spouse. I did, and I made a poor choice, a very poor choice.

Now, late in life, I have to choose the operating systems for my computers (my Laptop and my Phone). Only to find these choices have already been made for me.

My Laptop has Windows and my Phone has Android. Along with millions of other people.

I have upgraded my Laptop to Windows 10 and my Phone to Pixel 3X. My computers are now newer than I am.

Upgrading me is difficult, but women seem to find the original model adequate.

What about me, what do I want? Somewhat to my surprise, I have to answer: neither. I have had a few women (or they have had me).

But I am asexual, as my father was. And I cannot help thinking how much better off I would be if he had never married.

(I would not be here)

To Be a Developer You Gotta Be

Developers used to be called Programmers. They come from everywhere, but they come to the US, where the jobs are. Good paying jobs.

They are all kinds of persons, but they all have one thing in common: they don't mind being. In fact to be a developer they have to be. They may become other things later but being a developer is a good first step.

The US is a good place to learn how to be a developer if want to learn on the cheap from other developers. Who are eager to help you along, because that makes them a better developer also.

Most people do not become developers because this option does not pass the sniff test: it does not smell right. It is different, and different is the last thing they want to be.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sherry Turkle


Turkle has begun to assess the adverse effects of rapidly advancing technology on human social behavior. Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other was published in 2011 and when discussing the topic she speaks about the need to limit the use of popular technological devices because of these adverse effects.

The Cloud does not Like Me

This is strange because I like it. This is where it is at and I want to be there too.

I have criticized it occasionally, but I thought this was normal behavior in adult society.

Every time I turn my Laptop on, there are reviews of hardware or software. And they are not always flattering.

But if I open my mouth it gets slapped down.

I was on Microsoft's Azure cloud, which had many advanced services (and still does). I even mentioned these on my blog, but I was kicked off Azure, permanently. They don't want to see my face again.

I did the same thing for Amazon's AWS, with the same result: they kicked me off their network, permanently.

There must be something about me they do not like, but they will not say what that is.

I tried to log into the Google Cloud Platform, something I have done many times before, but they do not recognize me.

I can buy whatever I want from them, they have forgotten who I am.

The Smartphone is Making them Stupid

The manufacturers of these things know this and are making them even more satisfying. The stupider their users are, the happier they are because they more will buy from them.

I should clarify this. I am not speaking of all people, only most people (99 percent). The one percent are aware of the situation they are in and are probably designing what the 99 percent are watching.

And they (the 99 percent) are happy to be stupid. I want to examine this in more detail.

How are they stupid? I know one man who is just plain stupid and has returned to Costa Rica because people do not make fun of him down here.

I know another man who is here because his mother wants to live here (it's her home country) and she is stronger than he is.

I know other men who are living here because like being here and speaking the Spanish language.

Others want to take photos.

All these use their phones for good reasons.

What about the other people I see with a Smartphone? Some of them just use their phones to make calls. But some of them think their phones are intelligent beings that can entertain them, and they are more than willing to be entertained.

They are getting stupider because all their input comes from outside them.

Not Being and Miracles

Not being is a huge advantage in today's world. Why?

Because most objects in this world are not alive either, and this way you are like them. You are more like a machine.

This began with the Industrial Revolution, which wanted people who were compatible with its machines. God was seen as a machine that ran everything, and also produced miracles.

Leaders were expected to produce miracles also. Often in the form of Skyscrapers or the Railroads, but also in the form of Book of Mormon. Mormonism was also a product of Industrialization.

We now live in the world of the Computer, and its miracles.

Those who produce these Computer miracles are wealthier than ever before.

In fact, they are reinventing money. You can watch as this happens.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Americans were Machines

Machines that did not like people. They were machines with money, but the Indians (who were people) had no money. They were eliminated.

But the Computer is making them reconsider.

Because of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which makes Computers a little bit like People.

I must emphasize that phrase a little bit. But this little bit makes a huge difference and makes us wonder about the differences a little bit more will make.

Consider Banking. This is an activity that combines People and Money, and how this is done makes a huge difference in a nation's economy.

I now live in Costa Rica and have been forced to recognize the inadequacies of its banking system, compared to the American one. Look at the help screen for Banco National This is shown in English for me.

It is trying to become a modern Internet bank  I will see if I can follow these online instructions.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Stupid or Crazy?

We need different words to describe our human inadequacies, of which there are many.

I am reading Rebooting AI that does a good job of this. It makes me say "I wish more people would read this!" But I know most people are not interested in what it has to say.

Which makes me ask myself what has gone wrong with the human species. This book says our obsession with AI is our latest handicap, and it makes a strong case for this.

I will use my brother as an example. As a boy, he knew how badly he was being treated, and ran away from home twice. He was the smartest one (and the stubbornest one) in our family.

He went to college and became a music teacher. Then taught on the Navaho reservation and became an organizer for the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) teacher's union. He went back to college and became a lawyer (so he could be a better union organizer).

But by then he was married with children and had to support them. He became a partner in a successful law firm, a workaholic, and a conservative politically. He now supports Trump.

Can you see a pattern here? It's a common one, where people in difficult situations support leaders who claim to solve their problems.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


These have made a big difference in shipping and in software. The basic idea is the same: moving things in larger quantities is more efficient.

If moving a thousand units at one time is just as easy as a hundred, the cost per unit will be less. The only trick will be making it just as easy.

In shipping, the basic unit is is the trailer of a tractor-trailer. These can go anywhere there is a road, even a dirt road on a steep grade. Only one driver is required, but with two drivers and a bed on the back of the tractor, long distances are driven routinely. If more needs to be moved, more trucks can be employed. They are easily insured.

Container ships are getting larger and larger, and harbors are getting larger to accommodate them. These have large cranes to transfer containers from ships to trucks. Large storage areas are needed nearby where the containers can be stacked. Docks near large cities, such as London or New York City, are no longer practical.

Keeping track of thousand of containers on land and on sea, is the job of our next subject: the Computer.

Containers are popular on Computers also, and for the same reason: containers of data can be managed with the same operating system resources as smaller units. These containers of data are managed by Docker software. This is technology I can almost understand.

Clusters of Docker containers are orchestrated by Kubernetes software. I cannot begin to understand this stuff, but people who can understand it, tell me it is taking over the world.

If you see one of these driving by, stand up and salute it!

We want Miracles

When miracles, by definition, never happen.

When we say "That was a miracle!" We mean it was unexpected and probably will not happen again.

But since it happened once and we liked it, may it will happen again under similar circumstances.

If we did not like it, maybe it will not happen again if we alter the circumstances somehow.

We need a new Capitalism


This guy is not alone. There are many people saying some big changes have to be made to our society.

Whether or not these changes can be made remains to be seen.

We have to Strike Back at Them

Because they are nor good for us.

Who are they, you may be asking?  The authorities in today's world, who we are so eager to obey.

"Your world is not working for you," They are saying, "But I will fix it for you, if you obey me completely!"

How did we get here? Via the Industrial Revolution. I looked this up on Wikipedia, and was surprised by how big an article it was.

I grew up in an Industrial town, Ft. Madison, Iowa. It is now part of the American Rust Belt, with Trump as the President. I have relatives who still live there, and have no idea what hit them, or that anything hit them.

They are saying "Nothing much is wrong, and no big changes have to be made!" When they are part of a complete disaster that demands some big changes.

Friday, October 18, 2019

An Aversion to Learning

This, it seems to me, was the big change to Civilization in the late 20th Century.

People do not want to learn anything new but are eager to show the authorities how harmless they are, because they know nothing about them. And they are certain that authorities of some kind are aware of their every thought and action.

These authorities were initially their parents, who formed the dysfunctional families of the Fifties and Sixties, that everyone was aware of.

The next phase of civilization, that I am writing about here produced people who were socially unaware because this would involve learning something new - about themselves.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Impact of the Organization

This has been enormous. The book The Organization Man came out when I was in college in the Fifties, and I was impressed by it.

When I was growing up in Ft. Madison, Iowa, there was an important difference between the Union Men (such as my paternal grandfather) that worked for the Santa Fe Railroad, (who thought about the people involved) and the Company Men (who thought about the company).

There was a Railroad Strike that the Union lost. My father survived because he was a small businessman, and could work for himself. His father went back to the farm and suffered a stroke that crippled him for the rest of his life. The Organization won, and the People lost.

By the time I went to college and became an Electronic Engineer, in 1959, and went to work for the FAA, there were no Unions. The organizations were all-powerful and still are.

In 1980 I went to work for the Computer industry, where there are very large organizations, such as Google, and networks, such as the Internet.

These are so advanced, we are not sure what to call them. Everyone there wants to be an influencer.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Online User Interface every Bank Should Provide

Every bank runs on software, the software they purchase to let them hire the cheapest employees possible. This is easy to do and only a few companies end up doing it.

All the banks all make money the same way; by accepting deposits, then loaning money out (often the same money) and pocketing the difference in interest rates. The same software keeps track of this also. This software is accurate, you can be certain of that.

This software is provided in modules, each module doing something different. If a bank wants to be cheap, it can use these same modules, put together differently, to make a user interface.

But they are often incompetent and end up with a defective user interface. The banks are pleased with themselves because they have saved some money, but the users are damaged.

All the world's banks are effectively one bank running the same software. Only the money is different - the money different people entrust to their care. The Government tries to make sure this is not stolen.

Except the bank's programmers in many countries are incompetent. Countries such as Costa Rica, where I live. The banks are incompetent, and the bank's users are incompetent also.

They should have written instructions, telling their customers how to access their accounts on their computers. But they don't.

The banks tell their users part of what they need to know, but only part. Costa Rica is a developing country, and one of the reasons for this is their incompetent banks.

My Guts are Working Again

I am sure you are happy to know this. And maybe even curious about what was wrong with them, and how I got over that.

But it's a long story, and most of it happened out of sight in my unconscious. It ended this morning when I shit in my pants, copiously. Maybe that got rid of the bad stuff.

Meanwhile, I am still studying programming, by watching this guy tell us about his first programming job. I hope you are asking yourself "How does shit in the pants relate to the Python programming language?" I don't know, but I am sure they are related somehow.

Yesterday, I made an epic journey, by bus, to get stuff that was waiting for me in Cartago. But a river was overflowing on the way there, and the passengers had to to get out of the bus had to walk across a bridge that was threatened, and then get on another bus on the other side.

Things often take a long time, down here, and this was just another one of those times.

This is just a normal emergency. Passengers are allowed to take packages with them, and this time, on the way back, I had a large box with me. No problem, the bus company assigned a man to carry my box across the river, when we came to it!

I am now home, with lots of new stuff, such as an electric toothbrush. I should be happy, so I suppose I am.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is Amazon Unstoppable?

Amazon is a processing company. Last year, it collected a hundred and twenty-two billion dollars from online retail sales, and another forty-two billion by helping other firms sell and ship their own goods. The company collected twenty-six billion dollars from its Web-services division, which has little to do with selling things to consumers, and fourteen billion more from people who sign up for such subscription services as Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited. Amazon is estimated to have taken in hundreds of millions of dollars from selling the Echo. Seventeen billion came from sales at such brick-and-mortar stores as Whole Foods. And then there’s ten billion from ad sales and other activities too numerous to list in financial filings. No other tech company does as many unrelated things, on such a scale, as Amazon.

It also allows you to contribute to your favorite charity easily. Mine is the UN Human Refugee Fund, that gets 10 percent of my purchases. 

All my packages get sent to an address in Miami that is a warehouse for Aeropost, a company that flys them to Costa Rica, runs them through customs, and delivers them to Cartago, a half-hour bus ride from where I live. This is not cheap. 

Now the bad stuff. Amazon does not pay taxes. It abuses the workers in its warehouses. And it has few women in its upper executives. 

It is a money-making machine, the best in the business. And demonstrates for all to see, the shortcomings of Capitalism. 

This article will be an important part of the move toward a different kind of Economy. It is not an easy read. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Digital Processing

This is what makes the Computer possible because all computers are digital.

At the same time, there is a huge resistance to acknowledging this simple fact. That so much can be done by just pushing some numbers around.

The first step in digital processing is digitization, turning ordinary reality into numbers (digits).

A computer cannot see a picture, it can only see a series of numbers, arranged in rows. And it can manipulate those, at a very high speed. It takes us milliseconds to see a picture, but a digital camera can do this in a microsecond (a thousand times faster).

Our big handicap, as humans, is to assume that our computers are people. And assume they have feelings, also. When you see tourists using their phone to take a picture, they think they are making their phone feel better!

The Computer has created another world, that we have a hard time understanding.

To understand that, we would have to understand Artificial Intelligence. And if you are a normal person, you do not understand that. I am not being nasty at you to say this, I hope you will understand what I am saying instead.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


As I continue blogging, I can see my subject matter is the relationship between software development and ordinary human life.  There is one!

And my primary resource is Wikipedia, which thinks this subject is undeveloped! And goes into great detail explaining why it feels this way. 

I can remember how Amazon was one of the first to push this, by seeing how software development proceeded in stages. First, it is developed, it is written/ Which like any writing, can be a lot of fun.

The developers used to then through it over the fence and let the poor operators live with it. Any software that is newly written has bugs in it, and they have to fix it. This they do not like to do and to keep them happy they get to do some developing too.

And every software company is now doing DevOps, even tho is painful. There is still pain, but it is being spread around.

Misery inside Google


To all the world it looked as if Google—one of the most powerful, pro-immigrant, and ostensibly progressive corporations in the United States—was taking a unified stand. But that appearance of unanimity masked a welter of executive-level indecision and anxiety. It probably would have been apter if Pichai had said that, over the previous 48 hours, he had been backed into a corner by thousands of his employees.

From Java to C#

Java has been at the center of a huge shift in programming in the Nineties, that caught Microsoft unprepared. So it made its usual response: it put the company behind it (Sun Microsystems) out of business and tried to copy it and make it it's own.

This did not work, because of copyright laws, and Java went its own way with its own organization. This has been the savior of Software, over and over. Make your own organization for your software developments. And let the American (and European) courts back you up. Democracy in action.

Microsoft tried to fight this - it built its own software system called .NET that other software companies could buy into. This did not work, however, because there were other software companies (Amazon, Google, Facebook) who were providing free software. And their free clouds, an important development I will not go into here.

This was something new, called Open Source, that made huge advances in Software possible. All Microsoft could do was become like Amazon or Google, and do what they were doing - only better.

The result was C#, a programming language that could compete on even terms with Java, which was also fast improving.

If you had a problem that could be solved by software, it was not hard to find a software solution for it.

Things and People

What are things, you may ask? And to answer this I have to go back to our history to when we came down out of the trees and decided to live on the ground. We learned how to talk to each other about the various things in our world.

Did these things exist before someone thought about them? Do they depend on the existence of Language? Maybe.

A few hundred years ago we were hit by something we call Industrialization that had advanced Machines, and then Electricity and Photography. The result was a culture of different people, different machines, and Wars of amazing proportions, that are still going on.

At the present time, these things are the objects of many programming languages. And we find ourselves wondering if we can teach computers how to think.

And wondering if that is such a good idea.

Friday, October 11, 2019

People can help Each Other be Smarter

People have always been divided into the smart and the stupid.

And in our time (the last hundred years or so) the Computer has been part of this process. People are using it to make each other smarter or stupider.

The App that makes this possible is Wikipedia.

You can tell a lot about a person by their attitude toward Wikipedia. Do they want people to get smarter or not?

There are also other group activities on the Net, where people help other people get smarter. There are many online schools. And they are very active for the one percent or so that use them.

The rest are satisfied to show their ignorance. And to support ignorant leaders.

And many Kindle books. That do the same thing books have done for hundreds of years: spread information farther and faster.  A Kindle book can be sent around the world in a second for the same price as a paperback.

The California dream is over. What comes next?

Washington Post

I wish you could feel the irony of my situation. Like many Midwesterners, I fled to California in search of the brilliant new future, I knew was out there.

The life I found was a disaster. But that disaster was so mundane, it was happening to so many people, no one wanted to hear about it. This writer is fortunate: he writes for the Washington Post, and he has a secure job at the University.

I left California because I could not stand it anymore. The people there did not like other people, and I was a person. Yes, it was that simple.

I moved to San Jose, Costa Rica, where people were friendly when they were not robbing you. I then moved to Orosi, where crime is not a problem.

My problem now cannot be expressed easily, but I will use one phrase for it: poor infrastructure. That is most directly expressed in their banking system.

I can only say: "The Orosi Dream is over. What comes next?"

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How much Information about you belongs to You Alone?

We begin our lives inside our mothers, where we are simply part of our mother, and to a lesser degree, our fathers. But then we are born, and we gradually developed a self or at least tried to.

For the rest of our lives, there will be a conflict between us and them. We cannot live without them, and they cannot live without us, but we cannot live together very well either.

Human life is a story of how we got along, and how we did not get along.

We live in a world we cannot Understand

And this level of not understanding is so deep we cannot detect it.

This is not completely true. We have always known that 2 + 2 = 4. Or an electrical impulse will continue down the axion of a nerve without our assistance. Or numerous other facts, that we can detect easily.

Two different modes of being that we can easily distinguish between.

But we know that knowing this is not enough, and we want to know more.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cryptocurrencies Can Harness More Human Energy


This was written by Sean Walsh:

Lubomir Tassev is a journalist from tech-savvy Bulgaria, which sometimes finds itself at the forefront of advances it cannot easily afford. Quoting Hitchens, he says: ”Being a writer is what I am, rather than what I do.“ 

Cryptocurrency Cynics Stand to Profit the Most


Welcome, dear average American, to the lovely world of unregulated retail finance. Well, thanks to the invention of cryptocurrency, there’s a whole new way for you to lose your life’s savings.

I am not an average American, and I do not have any life savings. And I have not invested in any Cryptocurrency. I only have a high-speed Internet connection. Maybe next month. 

But I do have the ignorance of most people out there (99 percent) who know nothing of innovative financing. This is a powerful force in my favor.

He has Money!

This can also be stated as "She has money!"

And it is very important that the person in question can use it.

Their money is in the foreground of their lives and the rest of them is in the background.

I live in Costa Rica, in Latin America, that doesn't have much money, but is very aware of the importance of it.

They do not know why it is important, but they know it is very important. Without money, they would starve!

I became acquainted with a local family recently. And without too much thought, I was able to reconstruct their past. The mother had been an attractive Tica who married an American. and moved to America.  She also had a little boy who grew up and joined the American military.

The marriage did not last, but the boy became an American paratrooper and made a number of jumps that disabled him. The mother was still in control, and moved them (the boy, his wife, and his two daughters) back to Costa Rica, where their money would go further.

I met the son at Aeropost when I was feeling a lot of pain in my left knee. He felt sorry for me and invited me home to meet his family. His family has two cars,.a dog, and a house that they are continually remodeling, using local labor. They cooked me a nice meal and then went about their usual family business.

The son mentioned he was interested in making money in programming computers, and I sent him some email links about how he could do this easily, but nothing came of that.

I still have money, by Tico standards, and I am taking care of it.

Americans do not Understand America

This statement can probably be enlarged to be "Most people do not understand their world, and do not want to."Being like everyone else is important, however, and it is amazing how people can determine what that is, in this age of social media!"

The truth is whatever people believe it is.

The election of Trump. showed everyone what Americans were really like - seriously disturbed people.

And this observation can easily be extended to any people with Television - practically everyone. Once Radio was discovered, we were united by that. Once Radio was discovered, we lived in two Worlds at once, with no awareness of this. And once the Computer was discovered, we lived in three Worlds (or Realities),

Still with little awareness.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

AI's Trust Problem: a Conversation between Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis

This is a review of a book, written by two professors.

In my family, we had something better: a book written by a Prophet of God, the Book of Mormon. It was nonsense, but this did not matter.

It did not have a trust problem. But the author of this book. Joseph Smith was killed, and his followers fled across the Rocky Mountains. And they remain there to this day.

Friday, October 4, 2019

I got Pills

I got aches and pains, but not quite as bad as yesterday. It's amazing how much pain, and what kinds of pain the human body is capable of.

Right now, I have six kinds of pain pills, and there must be hundreds available.

Back when I was in Silicon Valley I met a guy who had developed one of the latest recreational drugs. He didn't seem so bad. And when I was attending an experimental college in Mexico. I noticed that the students there were mostly interested in drugs.

They put us in jail, probably the nicest jail in Mexico.

I took some high-strength weed down there, and everything seemed very funny. Much later some intense religious experiences affected me the same way. God likes having a good laugh too.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Bad News

I wish I could tell you what my news is, but I can't.

I bought a few groceries yesterday evening and started to carry them home, only a few blocks away. A next-door neighbor helped me cross the street because I have a balance problem. He took my bag and slowed down so I could keep up with him. Back home, I put my groceries away and went to sleep. People are friendly here.

The next morning I had a very hard time shitting, I had terrible pain in my lower back. I got back in bed and went to sleep, right away.. I have never been much of a pain person before.

When I woke up my pains were just the same. I would stand up slowly without pain, but WHAM, I would get hit with pain as bad as it gets.

Ray gave me two pain pills, but they haven't done much good.

I have a doctor's appointment at 5:00.

I can write in my blog, but that is about all.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Fed Up


Mary Daly rose from high-school dropout to president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. She thinks the central bank needs an upgrade too. It starts with recognizing that the economy is made up of actual humans. 

It's an easy read with some big benefits. 

Computers cannot Stop Global Warming

I just watched the sales pitch from Google about TensorFlow 2. It is better than ever, but the world it is part of is worse than ever.

Science wanted to make a better world but somehow made a worse one.

What went wrong?

Science could make us rich, but not make us good.