Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Insides of People and the Insides of Computers

Are entirely different. This is obvious.

And for most people, this difference cannot be overcome. They will never be able to program a computer, and they don't want to. It's too different.

But there are other people, for which this is not a problem. They are Computer Programmers or Developers, and they can make a lot of money doing this.

The world is now divided into two kinds of people: ordinary people and computer people. They are the same, except for a difference in the mind that lets computer people understand how computers work.

It's important that we realize this, and include it in our planning.

I have no idea what this difference in the mind is, or if it can be learned. I just know it exists, and it makes a big difference in the way people think.

There are still people on the top of the pile, who still run the world. They do not understand computers, but only know how to use them, in their advertising.

I get emails from them every day, begging for money, so they can win. They know money buys votes, and the computer is good at that.

It is good at many things, and now the quantum computer is on the horizon, it will be good for many more.

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