Sunday, October 13, 2019

From Java to C#

Java has been at the center of a huge shift in programming in the Nineties, that caught Microsoft unprepared. So it made its usual response: it put the company behind it (Sun Microsystems) out of business and tried to copy it and make it it's own.

This did not work, because of copyright laws, and Java went its own way with its own organization. This has been the savior of Software, over and over. Make your own organization for your software developments. And let the American (and European) courts back you up. Democracy in action.

Microsoft tried to fight this - it built its own software system called .NET that other software companies could buy into. This did not work, however, because there were other software companies (Amazon, Google, Facebook) who were providing free software. And their free clouds, an important development I will not go into here.

This was something new, called Open Source, that made huge advances in Software possible. All Microsoft could do was become like Amazon or Google, and do what they were doing - only better.

The result was C#, a programming language that could compete on even terms with Java, which was also fast improving.

If you had a problem that could be solved by software, it was not hard to find a software solution for it.

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