Monday, October 14, 2019

Digital Processing

This is what makes the Computer possible because all computers are digital.

At the same time, there is a huge resistance to acknowledging this simple fact. That so much can be done by just pushing some numbers around.

The first step in digital processing is digitization, turning ordinary reality into numbers (digits).

A computer cannot see a picture, it can only see a series of numbers, arranged in rows. And it can manipulate those, at a very high speed. It takes us milliseconds to see a picture, but a digital camera can do this in a microsecond (a thousand times faster).

Our big handicap, as humans, is to assume that our computers are people. And assume they have feelings, also. When you see tourists using their phone to take a picture, they think they are making their phone feel better!

The Computer has created another world, that we have a hard time understanding.

To understand that, we would have to understand Artificial Intelligence. And if you are a normal person, you do not understand that. I am not being nasty at you to say this, I hope you will understand what I am saying instead.

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