Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Lack of Interest

I continue to be interested in people who do not exist. This condition is encouraged by today's cultures.

Part of this condition is a lack of interest in reading about anything that is new to them. They retain an interest in drama but have no interest in thinking about what the characters in the drama are doing.

They are interested in the details of what is going on, but cannot speculate on its causes. They are interested in flooding on the Missippi River, for example, but cannot connect this to Global Climate Change.

I can make this discussion more concrete by relating what happened in Software in Silicon Valley in the Nineties when I was working there. This is a long story.

The Java programming environment had been invented by Sun Microsystems, with the intention of replacing Microsoft. This did not happen, for a variety of reasons, including Microsoft's devious business practices, that had many states suing it for illegal business practices.

The Feds stepped in and appointed a special prosecutor to take the place of all the Microsoft cases that were pending. After piddling around for quite a while, she did nothing.

Meanwhile, Microsoft was completely redesigning its NET software environment, that included two new languages: C# and F#. And it's own Cloud, Azure. And Sun Microsystems went out of business.

The Java programming environment continued to be developed by its own enthusiasts. This often happens in Software: it is developed on its own, by people who care nothing about its profitability.

There are two economies in operation here. And this causes intense the people living in them, who have no idea what is going on.

But elect dictators to make these complicated decisions for them.

Software keeps getting better. while people keep getting worse.

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