Friday, May 17, 2019

We did not Think

I am this way sometimes. I am antisocial and anti-thinking, the two go together.

I was remembering my time with my therapist as I was cooking breakfast this morning. We were close, and I had to be with him a lot.

When he went to the U of Missouri (to get his Ph.D.) I quit my job and went to the same place to be with him.

This was stupid, but he did not see it that way. He was what was keeping me together, and we had to stay together.

What was really going on? This is hard to explain, and any explanation has to include our background. We were cousins, our houses were only a mile apart on the Missippi river, and we grew up in the same church (the RLDS church) that he never left. I did notice that he abused his wife but managed to overlook that.

He was crazy. and I was too, but no one noticed this, because it was such a common pattern.

To this day (fifty years later) I can only look back at it, in wonderment.

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