Monday, May 20, 2019

What do I Think of Myself?

I wish I knew, I really do. I have wildly divergent opinions of myself, from the very bad to the very good. All about one person!

Perhaps I should begin with what my parent's thought of me. They didn't think much of me, and I accepted their valuation. They were not much good themselves, but this possibility never occurred to me.

Let's start with my bad stuff, that's easy enough to see. I have borrowed money and never paid it back, I have been dishonest, and thought nothing of it.

I have worked for the Military, probably the worst people there are. Why? Because the pay was so good, and incompetence, for them, was so acceptable. I made the world a worse place and thought nothing of it.

Beginning in the Eighties, I switched from the Military to Computers. Ethically, it was the same place - massive incompetence but lots of money.

I rode the high-tech boom and bust of the Nineties in Silicon Valley. Then moved to Costa Rica, and now live on my Social Security retirement income.

I wish I could say, I am now a better person, but that would be a lie.

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