Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Great Open Spaces

This is usually referred to as the Midwest, halfway between IBM on the East Coast and Stanford on the West Coast. In between, there was nothing, or at least nothing worth speaking of.

I came from there, with millions of other people, such as Abraham Lincoln. It didn't take me long, however, to move to New York City, because that was where all the action was, and I didn't want to miss out on that. Guess what I found there: a woman! A beautiful, but crazy woman, a combination I cannot recommend.

I am leaving out, in this short history, the Civil War, that the Midwest did participate in, but not very enthusiastically. Slaves did not make good Industrial workers.

It didn't take Beth long, to insist that we move to California. Why, I have no idea but was a move in the right direction, that I have repeated several times since because Computers ended up there too. They knew where the action was - and still, know.

I have left Chicago, Kansas City, and St. Louis out of this story. They were important, but not that important, and this is a story of extremes. The same could be said of Denver and Salt Lake City.

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