Tuesday, August 22, 2017

It Just Barely Works

This is a situation common in our time - and no one seems to worry about it. If it (no matter what it was) worked properly, I suspect, people would panic. They have built a world that barely works - and they intend to keep it that way.

What are these things that just barely work? Let's start with the top - Politics.

You may object that aiming at Politics is not fair - when have there ever been good politicians? But I stand my ground, and reply, that we have to go back a few years - but not too many years. In the US, back to the founding of the country, and George Washington - who was not perfect - but light-years ahead of anything we have now.

You can reply, that was because of unusual circumstances - that produced better leaders. Different circumstances, such as those now - produce poor leaders. The circumstances make the man (and the woman).

I agree, our situation now, produces things, and people - that barely work. But I add one more thing - the people now, want it that way. Not all of the people, but most of them - and politically, because of their numbers, they are in control. And they agree on one thing - the situation is not perfect, but it as good as can be expected - and does not need to be changed, fundamentally.

Here is where we part ways - I insist on taking a good look at where we are - and they insist on not taking a good look.

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