Thursday, August 24, 2017

We Must Understand Our World

How people respond to this statement, indicates where they are coming from.

The mildest response would be "Understanding, while necessary in theory - is not necessary in practice. Plenty of people go through life, successfully - without giving it much thought!"

This analysis would apply to my parents, who did not give much thought to their lives - and, in the opinion of most, lived a successful life.

In my opinion, however - they did not live at all, but only pretended to live. But, I must admit, they were rewarded economically, for their obedience.

But the same could not be said to young people beginning their lives now - in the 21st Century. They can conform all they like, and probably do - but their rewards will be meager. They probably try to understand their world (just a little) but they probably end up furious - how come their grandparents got so much, and they get so little?

You can see why they are told "You must not try to understand your world. It will only make you unhappy with what you have."

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