Sunday, August 20, 2017

Putting People Back in the Picture

Was there a time when people were not in the picture? Yes, the record is clear about that, even if most people were not aware of it. Capitalism and Industrialization peaked out in the 19th Century - and the 20th Century was a series of disasters.

I can say this, because I lived through the last half of the 20th Century - and I have the scar tissue to prove it. We all had scar tissue - even it most of us were not aware of it - or much of anything else. They survived, by not being much of anything - but a cog in the machine.

But the machine has changed, and we now live in a time when the computer is taking over. As one who was in Silicon Valley in the Nineties - I can tell you that was a bad time too. And it is just now coming out of the trenches into the daylight. And putting people back in the picture.

I am trying my best to be optimistic here, and putting the best face on a confusing situation - by stating the situation this way.

Putting people back in the picture - even if they don't want to be there.

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