Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Making a Society That is Good for People

A few hundred years ago, when the Enlightenment was still active - this sounded like a good idea. Now it doesn't - but we have not considered why.

I will start off my making this change explicit - we are now less concerned with the welfare of people - and more concerned with other things, without bothering to define what they are. We feel these other things have a higher priority - and should not be examined too carefully.

What are these other things?

I would lump them together under Business. That we all experience directly, at work. This is the monster that is breathing down our necks - threatening to exterminate us, if we threaten it - in any way.

What is there about people, that makes us nervous about defending them? I think it is this - we feel people are defective beings that should not be helped too much - because this would make them more defective.

Business, by contrast, is perfect - because it is built in the image of God! It is, in fact - our new religion.

This morning, as I was starting to write this, Carl Icahn’s Failed Raid on Washington plopped into my inbox.

There are plenty of other writings about this - but this can be read by anyone that is interested in big money.

Here is a quote:
The government shouldn’t run things, because they aren’t trained to run things,” he continued. This is a core element of Icahn’s philosophy. Jimmy Williams, a former in-house lobbyist for Icahn, told me, “Carl is a man who thinks that business should be unfettered and that government should not be involved in the free-market economy. With every fibre in his body, that is what he truly believes.”
 He is Business embodied! And it is not too far out, to summarize this as Greed.

It is true, that people are often defective, in many ways. After all, we are only human, and make plenty of mistakes. But we are also capable of good things (being good to ourselves and each other) and even great things.

And we should be helping this along.

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