Monday, July 29, 2019

No Social Awareness, but Vast Social Destruction

How long has this been going on? Certainly, as long as I can remember, which would be most of the 20th Century. And as far as I can tell, most of the 19th Century.

This has been going on for centuries and is still going on. But we seem to have more social awareness, now that the Computer has entered our lives.

The Computer and its networks has changed our lives, mostly for the better. But this will take some explaining.

I worked in the Computer industry for 20 years (1980-2000), and this was not a pleasant experience. Computer company after company was destroyed. Now there are only four left: Apple. Amazon. Google, and Microsoft.

All this destruction created huge advances in Software. But to make Software work (and to make today's world work) people have to be skilled at working together. They have to be socially aware.

To use a mixture of software terminology, and social terminology - they have to function, instead of being dysfunctional.

Back in the Fifties (if you can remembet that far back) we were cursed with the dysfunctional family.  That seemed to be everywhere. If we lived in an affluent country (such as the US) we had plenty of things, but no people!

People from countries where there were still people could not live in the US, and had to go back. Once I got used to living in Costa Rica, and went back to visit a cousin, I had to go back also.

To continue this mix of Software and Sociology, software experts are asking themselves if Object Oriented Progeamming (OOP) was not a big mistake! 

Bsck in the Nineties, in Silicon Valley, such questioning was impossible. People were objects and objects were people, and no deviation from this theology was allowed!

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