Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Perfect Moral system Exists Somewhere in our Consciousness

Quartz - We can train AI to identify good and evil, and then use it to teach us morality

This line of reasoning has been used before, in Linguistics, by Noam Chomsky. There exists, he said, somewhere in our mind (and by implication, in our brain) a built-in mechanism that gives us the ability to use Language. And this ability, a Universal Grammar, could be detected, and elucidated by researchers, such as him.

This theory had instant appeal, and made him famous. But it has since been questioned - because, it doesn't tell us very much about the many discoveries Linguistics has made, about how Language actually actually functions - and believe me, it's complicated.

Ambarish Mitra makes a similar assumption - that somewhere in our mind (or our consciousness) there exists a perfect morality. And all we have to do is discover it!

I won't say this is a ridiculous idea, AI could be used - and should be used, in making moral (or ethical) decisions.

But we cannot expect miracles.

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