Wednesday, April 11, 2018

There is Only One World

You may object to this assertion, and say there are many worlds. And every culture lives in its own world - speaks its own language, and has its own gods.

But all these cultures are deluded, in its own way (they all think they are the right one).

Let us consider our own culture - the USA. That is convinced it is the right one. This belief is now under a lot of stress - because Americans are being forced to accept the presence of other nations, that are also rich and powerful. And are not interested in accepting the leadership of America.

If America is going to lead, it has to know where it is going. Which it clearly does not.

Two hundred years ago, it did know - and led by its example, by forming a Constitutional Government. An amazing achievement, that most of the world followed - usually imperfectly.

The existence of One World, is now being enforced by the Computer, and its networks - the Internet and the Cellular. These form one global network - to the intense dislike of all the dictators that now populate it. America does lead here - its software is so far advanced, nothing else can touch it.

There is now one global Economic model - although this is being fought against by numerous trade agreements - as different groups try to enrich themselves, at the expense of others.

I have not mentioned one other technology, that is helping run the show - Television. Everyone in the world has a TV, and spends time every day, watching it. It tells him everything he needs to know - what to buy, and what to think.

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