Thursday, April 12, 2018


This is a new breed of app, that is easy for software, but hard for software developers. It's part of a new movement, where software is asserting itself, and doing great new things - but people are having a hard time understanding how it is doing it.

Back in the Eighties, I was a programmer for awhile. I learned the C programming language, and wrote a program that would draw some simple graphics - boxes, connected by horizontal and vertical lines.

Doing this wasn't easy, the first thing I learned, was that software was hard. But once I got used to it, I could crank out code easily enough. Too easily, and I soon became bored - and went back to being a technical writer, where the pay was better.

I should have gotten aboard the software bandwagon, back in the Nineties, when Java made its appearance and changed everything. But I wasn't that smart. Seeing the gold in all the crap that was going on (and a lot of it was going on) was not that easy.

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