Wednesday, April 18, 2018

We did not Realize How Bad It Was

Alan Watts has come into my life again - and bringing a lot of memories with him.

Once again, I am asking myself "What went wrong?" We were so hopeful in the Fifties, Sixties, and Seventies. But the world went to hell, anyway.

I think it was because - we could not understand, how bad things really were. Our deepest instincts told us - things could not possibly be that bad! But they were that bad, as bad as they could possibly be.

Some of this defective approach still exists in the Spirit Rock Meditation Center - the most beautiful (and best funded) meditation center in the world! Not too long ago, they decided to solve this problem, by gathering all their meditation experts together, for an intensive session - and coming up with a solution to whatever the problem was. They even advertised this intention, and promised a solution. When this did not happen - they quietly forgot about the whole thing.

I haven't forgotten, however, and won't let this problem rest. And have concluded that the answer is simply - that everything had gone wrong! You no doubt, will think this is ridiculous - how could everything go wrong? I have no idea how it happened, I only know it did happen. And it happened from the middle of the 19th Century to the middle of the 20th.

We were left with no memory of this happening. You may call this an extreme form of paranoia, and that would be a good way of describing it. We were, and are paranoid - for the best of reasons. And the first step toward recovery, is recognizing where we are - in a horrible situation, and scared to death of it.

You may say "I'm not scared, and I don't know anyone who is!" And I am sure you are being honest. But you are only aware of your conscious mind, not your unconscious mind - that, in my opinion, has different feelings entirely.

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